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Euro area annual inflation was 4.0% in June 2008, up from 3.7% in May. A year earlier the rate was 1.9%. Monthly inflation was 0.4% in June 2008.

In 2007, 218.5 million resident persons in the EU27 aged 15 years or more had a job or a business activity. The total employment rate for people aged 15-64 was 65.4% in 2007, compared with 62.1% in 2000 and 64.5% in 2006. The employment rate for women was 58.3% in 2007, up from 53.6% in 20002 and 57.3% in 2006, and the rate for older people, i.e. those aged 55-64, was 44.7%, also up from 36.8% in 2000 and 43.5% in 2006.

The European Central Bank has done “excellent work” in managing the financial turmoil, enhancing its reputation said MEPs in their annual report on the ECB.

European Commission proposed to establish a special finance facility to respond to soaring food prices in developing countries. The fund would be worth 1 billion euros (1.6 billion dollars) and would operate for two years, 2008 and 2009. This money would be in addition to existing development funds and would be taken from unused money from the European Union's agricultural budget.

The EU must give itself adequate budgetary means to achieve its policy aims - this is the spirit in which Parliament's delegation went to its budgetary conciliation meeting with the Council on 17 July. MEPs propose increasing the payments entered in the preliminary draft budget for 2009. Responding to the plan to fund agricultural aid to developing countries with unspent CAP money, they also demanded that the Commission comply with budgetary rules.

New laws proposed by the European Commission to create greener products need serious strengthening if they are to help tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, says Friends of the Earth Europe.

MEPs adopted a report for urgent EU action to support sheep and goat farming, including producer income support and marketing measures. In addition, the Commission's plans for compulsory electronic tagging of every animal should be rethought, says the House. The report was adopted with 492 votes in favour, 30 against and 9 abstentions.

EU failing to put pressure on drugs industry to meet standards being set in the US and elsewhere; CI survey finds pharmaceutical companies have no commitments to release info on financial ties with doctors in Europe.

Ten years of Economic and Monetary Union have been a major success, but improving growth rates is largely up to national governments implementing economic reform, MEPs were told at an Economics Committee hearing. Strengthening the international representation of the eurozone was also a key goal.

With only 5½ months to go before the adoption of the euro, Slovakia's preparations are quite advanced but further efforts are necessary. Slovakia last week received the final and formal approval for adopting the euro on 1 January 2009 and the conversion rate was set.

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