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Fitch Ratings has assigned the Republic of Poland's EUR2bn Eurobond an 'A-' (A minus) rating. The bond, issued under the Republic of Poland's euro medium-term note programme (EMTN), matures on 20 June 2028. The rating is in line with Poland's 'A-' (A minus) Long-term foreign currency Issuer Default rating (IDR), which has a Stable Outlook.

EU Consumer Commissioner Meglena Kuneva announced the results of a new EU wide survey on e-commerce and cross border trade. The figures show that even though e-commerce is taking off at national level, cross-border e-commerce is failing to keep pace. From 2006 to 2008, the share of all EU consumers that have bought at least one item over the internet has increased significantly (from 27% to 33%) whilst cross border e-commerce is stable (6% to 7%).

EU and Russia need to shake off ‘zero-sum thinking’ and false perceptions of each other in order to capitalise on common interests. Speaking at a high-level conference in Moscow on “Russia in the 21st Century”, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson will argue that the EU and Russia need to build an enduring trust in order to manage growing regional and global interdependence. He suggests that the two sides need "new mechanisms" to encourage economic forces, and that a high level economic dialogue similar to that of the EU and China should be considered.

MEPs adopted a report on "Towards a European Charter on the Rights of Energy Consumers" which underlines the potential added value of the Charter as an information tool collecting, consolidating the energy rights of consumers as already adopted in the existing EU legislation. MEPs call on Member States to invest as a priority in energy efficiency measures for low-income households, thereby addressing in a strategic manner both the problem of fuel poverty and the "20% by 2020" energy efficiency.

Take-up of intelligent car technologies remains very low, given their potential, says Parliament in an own-initiative report adopted by MEPs. These technologies need to get cheaper, but also to be better publicised, it stresses, noting that if fully deployed, with the necessary infrastructure, EU-wide emergency call technology could save up to 2,500 lives a year on EU roads, and electronic stability control up to 4,000.

A third of household expenditure in the EU27 in 2005 went on housing, including utilities & furniture (33.1%), and almost a fifth on food, beverages & tobacco (19.4%). The other half of the expenditure was mainly dedicated to transport (11.9%), recreation & culture (8.4%), clothing & footwear (5.7%), restaurants & hotels (5.3%), health (3.4%), communications (3.3%) and education (1.0%).

Are rising oil prices mainly the result of long term economic changes at global level, or is speculation more of a factor? Should taxes on energy be cut across the board to help consumers and businesses, or should support be targeted on those hardest hit? These were some of the issues raised in a debate with Council and Commission on the impact of the high oil and energy prices.

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for Germany declined 0.2 percent, while the coincident index increased 0.1 percent in April.

The European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net), published its Annual Report for 2007 reflecting a productive year, helping more than 55.000 consumers with information and advice on cross border shopping, both in person and online, ensuring that they are aware of their rights, and providing support in handling complaints. Consumers increasingly turn to the ECCs for help, with an increase of 5000 contacts since 2006. In 2007, most complaints tackled by ECCs concerned contract terms (25%), product and service (22,4%), and delivery (20%).

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