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European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas welcomed the progress made by many Member States in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions in 2006. The emissions inventory compiled by the European Environment Agency for 2006, the latest year for which complete data is available, shows that EU-15 emissions dropped by 0.8% from 2005, taking emissions to 2.7% below their levels in the base year (1990 in most cases). This puts the EU-15 well on track to meeting its Kyoto Protocol target of keeping average emissions between 2008 and 2012 at least 8% below base year levels.

In the construction sector, seasonally adjusted production fell by 0.8% in the euro area (EA15) and by 0.4% in the EU27 in April 2008, compared with the previous month. In March, production decreased by 2.8% and 2.7% respectively. Compared with April 2007, output in April 2008 dropped by 2.4% in the euro area and by 0.3% in the EU27.

The Conference Board reports that the leading index for France declined 0.1 percent and the coincident index increased 0.1 percent in April.

The EU will have new waste legislation which includes targets for re-use and recycling of waste to be attained by 2020 after MEPs adopted amendments. The directive sets out rules on recycling and requires Member States to draw up binding national programmes for waste prevention. Waste prevention targets will be considered by the Commission in the future. Incineration of waste will be categorised as a recovery operation rather than disposal, provided it meets a certain energy efficiency standard.

The first estimate for the euro area (EA15) trade balance with the rest of the world in April 2008 gave a 2.3 bn euro surplus, compared with +2.0 bn in April 2007. The March 2008 balance was -1.5 bn, compared with +7.5 bn in March 2007. In April 2008 compared with March 2008, seasonally adjusted exports rose by 6.2% and imports by 3.6%.

Every year 5,720 people die in the European Union as a consequence of work-related accidents, according to EUROSTAT figures. Besides that, the International Labour Organisation estimates that an additional 159,500 workers in the EU die every year from occupational diseases.

Euro area annual inflation was 3.7% in May 2008, up from 3.3% in April. A year earlier the rate was 1.9%. Monthly inflation was 0.6% in May 2008. EU annual inflation was 3.9% in May 2008, up from 3.6% in April. A year earlier the rate was 2.1%. Monthly inflation was 0.6% in May 2008.


The European Commission advised the government of Romania to pursue with determination the consolidation of government finances while remaining on the path of economic reforms. This two-pronged approach is necessary to address the growing imbalances in the economy, while allowing Romania to continue its fast convergence towards the average income levels in the EU. This is economic and budgetary policy advice under the revised Stability and Growth Pact agreed on in 2005 by all European Union countries.

The annual growth rate of the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by euro area residents was 7.1% in April 2008, the same as in March. For the outstanding amount of quoted shares issued by euro area residents, the annual growth rate decreased from 1.3% in March 2008 to 1.1% in April.

Total hourly labour costs in the euro area (EA15) rose by 3.3% in nominal terms in the year up to the first quarter of 2008, compared with 2.9% for the previous quarter. In the EU27, the annual rise was 4.3% up to the first quarter of 2008, compared with 3.6% for the previous quarter.

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