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A new Greenpeace report has for the first time revealed how a regionally integrated approach to the large-scale development of offshore wind in the North Sea could deliver reliable clean energy for millions of homes.

The average collectively agreed weekly working time in the European Union in 2007 stood at 38.6 hours, according to the annual update of the working time development from Eurofound's European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO). The report, which looks at working time agreements set by collective bargaining, also found that average paid annual leave entitlement for European workers stood at 25.2 days across the EU in 2007.

Research and Innovation hold a key to reconciling sometimes competing goals of sustainable economic growth and environmental preservation in sea-based activities. Within the context of the overall new integrated maritime policy and to take up on this challenge, the European Commission adopted "A European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research".

Failed international payments are costing Europe's banks billions, despite the promise of SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) to simplify transactions and cut costs, according to banking solutions provider Misys.

The European Commission welcomes today’s support of the European Parliament for its proposal to simplify the approval of hydrogen powered vehicles. This will mark a step forward in the development and marketing of clean and safe hydrogen vehicles.

Euro area (EA15) GDP declined by 0.2% and EU27 GDP by 0.1% in the second quarter of 2008, compared with the previous quarter, according to first estimates released by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. In the first quarter of 2008, growth rates were +0.7% in the euro area and +0.6% in the EU27.

In July 2008, compared with June 2008, the volume of retail trade fell by 0.4% in the euro area (EA15), but rose by 0.1% in the EU27. In June retail trade dropped by 0.9% and 1.2% respectively.

€200-250 billion that should reach national budgets is thought to be lost to fiscal fraud. VAT fraud alone accounts for some €40 billion a year – ten per cent of the total receipts. Parliament says it is time for Member States to get serious in tackling this problem and is calling for reform to the VAT system and the Savings Tax Directive.


Today, the European Parliament will debate, in plenary session, the so-called EU Telecoms Reform, proposed by the Commission on 13 November 2007. Of particular importance in this debate will be the proposals made by the European Commission to give consumers of fixed and mobile phones and Internet services more rights and better choice.

In July 2008 compared with June 2008, the industrial producer price index rose by 1.1% in the euro area (EA15) and by 0.9% in the EU27. In June, prices increased by 1.0% and 1.4% respectively. In July 2008 compared with July 2007, industrial producer prices gained 9.0% in the euro area and 11.0% in the EU27.


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