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By 2015, at least 5% of all road transport fuels should come from renewable sources, says a co-decision report approved by Parliament's Industry Committee on Thursday. In amending a draft directive on renewable energies, the committee also tightened up sustainability criteria for biofuels and introduced flexibility mechanisms to allow Member States to achieve the 2020 renewables targets jointly.

An own-initiative report on a European Commission proposal to step up efforts to combat undeclared work was approved by a big majority in the EP Employment and Social Affairs Committee on Wednesday. Undeclared work, which in some Member States accounts of 20% of GDP, is a worrying feature of Europe's labour markets, say MEPs.

In the wake of economic and demographic shifts, 82 percent of European bankers feel that external factors such as the credit crisis will increasingly determine the future of their industry, more so than internal changes they can initiate. The findings come from a new survey commissioned by SAP AG and conducted by Novametrie, polling leading banking officials and external industry observers - economists and academics - on the future of banking over the next 10 years in light of the current environment.

Fitch Ratings says the regulatory environment for power and gas utilities in many central European (CE) countries, especially Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria, is proving to be challenging for some entities amid elevated wholesale electricity prices and rising costs for gas imported from Russia.

Two formal requests for the European Commission to introduce legislation to improve the supervisory framework for financial markets were adopted in the Economics Committee on Wednesday. The first relates to specifically to hedge funds and private equity, while the second is concerned with the future architecture of market supervision in general.

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for the U.K declined 0.7 percent, and the coincident index increased 0.1 percent in July.

According to our latest study for the Internal Doors market in Europe, In 2007, the total internal doors market in Europe top 5 accounted for 49.9 million units, valued at 7.3 billions euros. This data makes the internal doors market one of the major markets related to the construction sector.

Economic growth is expected to post 1.4% this year in the European Union (1.3% in the euro area) - around 0,5 percentage point less than forecast in April. The main downside risks identified in the spring forecast have materialised, with the financial turmoil deepening, commodity prices soaring and the shocks to several housing markets spreading more widely.

At present, drivers committing an offence under the highway code in a Member State other than their own often avoid paying the penalty imposed on local drivers. The Transport Committee approved on Tuesday legislation to ensure that drivers will be able to be identified and fined for offences they commit anywhere in the EU. Speeding, drink-driving, not wearing a seat belt and failing to stop at a red light will all be covered by the proposal.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has renewed its policy on lending to water projects to adjust it to the developments and challenges of this important sector. The renewed water lending policy will help the EIB to further strengthen its role as a major global financier of the sector, and as the "EU Water Bank".

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