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The EP Budgets Committee completed on Wednesday the adoption of its draft report on the 2009 EU budget. MEPs increased most of the figures proposed by the European Commission, believing that the Council's cuts had made it impossible to meet the EU's commitments. The fight against climate change, the EU's social dimension and security questions are Parliament's priorities for 2009.

The European Employment Strategy has paid off, in terms of creating both more and better jobs, according to the new European Restructuring Monitor’s annual report 2008 from the European Foundation of the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), the Dublin-based EU agency.

Regional policy responses to issues such as innovation, climate change, inter-regional co-operation and the future of EU cohesion policy were debated at the closing session at Parliament of the annual Regions and Cities "Open Days" of 6-9 October. The event, organised by the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions, brought together some 7,400 regional policy players from across Europe.

In adopting an own-initiative report on water scarcity and droughts in the European Union, MEPs urge the Commission and Member States to acknowledge that deforestation and unrestrained urban development are contributing to growing water scarcity. The House calls on the Member States and the authorities concerned to pay heed to water-related considerations in their land-use planning.

The European Parliament adopted an own-initiative report on a European Commission proposal to step up efforts to combat undeclared work. MEPs call on the Commission to consider establishing a database on the various approaches and methodologies used to measure undeclared work in the Member States so as to promote the sharing of good practice and knowledge transfer in this area.

A Flash Eurobarometer study, presented by the European Commission, reveals that European citizens have a generally negative perception of animal cloning for food production.

MEPs made a formal call on Thursday for the Commission to come up with legislation to improve the supervisory architecture and regulatory framework for financial services in Europe.

The EU should act in a united fashion to tackle the financial market crisis, and Member States should avoid unilateral steps which cause problems for their neighbours, according to most of the MEPs taking part in the debate on next week's EU summit and the financial turmoil. Most groups welcomed the Commission's plans for a high-level group to consider market supervision policies, though some complained that not enough had been done in the past.

The European Commission has launched proposals for EU-wide rights to make it easier for consumers to shop on the Internet and in the main street. The new proposal will guarantee consumers, wherever they shop in the EU, clear information on price and additional charges and fees before they sign a contract. It will strengthen consumer protection against late delivery and non delivery, as well as setting out tough EU-wide consumer rights on issues from cooling off periods, returns, refunds, repairs and guarantees and unfair contract term.

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for the U.K declined 0.6 percent, and the coincident index increased 0.2 percent in August.

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