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The EP Internal Market Committee has adopted a report aimed at making toys safer. The new legislation will beef up safety regulations and ban the use of certain chemicals and heavy metals.

Petitions Committee MEPs called on Member States to act together to put an end to misleading advertising by business directory companies, further to 400 complaints from small firms across Europe that they had been misled into committing themselves to pay for adverts costing €1,000 per year.

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee voted to reduce the official Bank Rate paid on commercial bank reserves by 1.5 percentage points to 3%.


The European business community is missing out on a record amount of minimum 250 billion euros as a consequence of overdue invoices.

Ministers for Industry of the 27 EU Member States met with their counterparts from Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey in Nice on 5 and 6 November to decide further measures to deepen Euro-Mediterranean co-operation on enterprise and industry policies for the next two years(2009 – 2010).

In September 2008 the majority of MFI interest rates on new deposits and new loans were either higher than in the previous month or remained basically unchanged.

Raw materials are an essential part of both high tech products and every-day consumer products. European industry needs fair access to raw materials both from within and outside the EU. For certain high tech metals, the EU has a high import dependency and access to these raw materials is getting increasingly difficult.

The European Commission published its seventh annual report on serious infringements to the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The report, which built on reports by Member states, deals with infringements detected in 2006. The number of infringements detected that year was 10 362, while the average fine imposed by Member states was €1,548. The most common types of infringements were those concerning storing, processing, placing for sale and transporting of fishery products not meeting the marketing standards in force, and unauthorised fishing.

EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Mariann Fischer Boel and Swiss Federal Councilor Doris Leuthard, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, launched negotiations aiming at full liberalisation of trade in agriculture between the EU and Switzerland. Given their geographical proximity and the volume of bilateral trade, both parties are obvious partners for fully liberalised trade exchanges.

The Environment Committee voted on Wednesday on new legislation governing the production, licensing and use of pesticides. MEPs confirmed that certain toxic chemicals will be banned, except where there is a serious danger to plant health. They also argued that the EU should not be divided into three pesticide licensing zones. In addition, Member States will have to meet quantitative targets for reducing the volume of pesticides used.

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