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In October 2008 compared with September 2008, the industrial producer price index fell by 0.8% in the euro area (EA15) and by 1.4% in the EU27. In September, prices decreased by 0.3% and 0.4% respectively.

When was the last time you moved your current account to a different bank? If it was recently, then you’re in the minority: most EU consumers do not switch banks, mainly because of complexity, high switching costs, the fear of losing money or missing a salary payment, and the time it takes.

Ahead of tomorrow's hearing at the European Parliament on the revision of the EUROVIGNETTE Directive, the European business organisations EUROCHAMBRES, EuroCommerce and UEAPME warn about the risk of triggering a further increase in transport costs without achieving the desired environmental improvements.

Romania and Bulgaria are currently the fastest growing countries within the Central and Eastern European (CEE) market for uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), as stated in a recent Frost & Sullivan study. The process of joining the European Union in 2007 gave Romania the euro 3078 million in aid it needed to develop its industry, transportation, rural and environmental infrastructure and to boost its agricultural sector.

Following a series of meetings between MEPs and the French Presidency of the Council, the two sides have informally agreed details of future targets on CO2 emissions from cars. The compromise reached on Monday evening still needs to be endorsed by the full Council and put to a first reading vote at Parliament's December plenary session in Strasbourg.

From 1 December 2008, new rules on tax and duty free imports enter into force. Travellers will benefit from cost savings when importing goods into the EU in their personal luggage. At the same time, Member States will avoid administrative costs currently involved in collecting small amounts of duties and taxes.

The European Commission has welcomed the European Banking Industry Committee's (EBIC) adoption of a set of "Common Principles for Bank Account Switching", which will make it easier for consumers to switch their current account from one bank to another within their own Member State.

Broadband penetration in Europe continues to grow, from 18.2% in July 2007 to up to 21.7% in July 2008, according to a report published today by the European Commission. The report also shows the gap between EU countries narrowing, from 28.4 percentage points in July 2007 to 27.7 this July. With 17 million fixed broadband lines laid in a year, today's figures show high-speed internet in the EU is more widespread and faster, while mobile broadband is starting to take off, with 6.9% penetration. Three quarters of broadband lines in the EU have download speeds of 2 millions of bits per second (Mbps) and above, a speed that supports TV over the Internet, for example.

The Council of ministers of the European Union adopted the European Commission's strategy to reinforce the fight against cyber crime. The strategy proposes a series of operational measures, such as cyber patrols, joint investigation teams and remote searches to become part of the fight against cybercrime in the next five years. The strategy also introduces concrete steps for closer cooperation and information exchange between law enforcement authorities and the private sector.

The euro area (EA15) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate stood at 7.7% in October 2008, compared with 7.6% in September. It was 7.3% in October 2007. The EU27 unemployment rate was 7.1% in October 2008, compared with 7.0% in September. It was 6.9% in October 2007.

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