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Children under twelve should no longer have their fingerprints included on passports issued in the European Union, the EP Civil Liberties Committee agreed in a co-decision report adopted on Monday. But they should have their own passports, containing data on their parents, so as to combat trafficking in children, say MEPs.

At the request of European Union finance ministers meeting in Nice (Sept. 12-13), the European Investment Bank will modernise and increase significantly its volume of lending to small and medium-sized enterprises in 2008 and 2009 to help mitigate the effects of the current credit crisis.

The European Commission has presented at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) its proposal to update and expand the Information Technology Agreement (ITA), an existing trade deal between some of the world's biggest trade powers that lowers the cost of IT products.

Total hourly labour costs in the euro area (EA15) rose by 2.7% in nominal terms in the year up to the second quarter of 2008, compared with 3.5% for the previous quarter. In the EU27, the annual rise was 3.4% up to the second quarter of 2008, compared with 4.4% for the previous quarter.

Evidence of an economic slowdown is mounting in the UK. But so far e-commerce seems relatively immune to the downturn.

With welfare systems endangered by an ageing European population and a shortage of workers in some sectors, immigration should no longer be seen as a threat, argued European and national MPs in Brussels on Thursday. Migration should be regulated at EU level, they maintained. Most speakers also voiced support for the "pact on immigration" proposed by the Council Presidency.

In July 2008 compared with June 2008, seasonally adjusted industrial production fell by 0.3% in both the euro area (EA15) and the EU27. In June production decreased by 0.2% in both zones. In July 2008 compared with July 2007, industrial production declined by 1.7% in the euro area and by 1.3% in the EU27.

The number of persons employed in the euro area (EA15) rose by 0.2% (283 000 persons) in the second quarter of 2008 compared with the previous quarter, according to national accounts estimates published by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. In the same period, the number of persons employed in the EU27 also grew by 0.2% (401 000 persons).

Greenpeace welcomed crucial vote on renewable energy legislation at the European Parliament as an encouraging step in the right direction. Members of Parliament (MEPs) have demonstrated resolve in supporting the broad uptake of clean renewable energy sources, but are only slowly putting the brakes on the rush towards unsustainable biofuels, the organisation said.

Europeans are highly concerned about climate change and clearly willing to take action against it. A majority of Europeans believes that the European Union's targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and increasing the share of renewable energy by 2020 are about right or even too modest. However, a significant proportion of people feel poorly informed about climate change and ways to help fight it.

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