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Between 2000 and 2007, EU27 trade in goods with Ukraine more than tripled in value: exports rose from 5.5 billion euro to 22.4 bn, while imports increased from 4.8 bn to 12.4 bn.

Pursuing both progressive and reciprocal opening of access to the service market in trade negotiations is stressed by MEPs in a report adopted by the House. This would give access to entrepreneurs of developing countries to a wider range of service. The own-initiative report to be endorsed by the House reiterates that liberalisation of services is important for both developed and developing countries.

MEPs adopted a first-reading legislative report on proposals to simplify and modernise the rules for the computerised reservation systems used by high-street and online travel agents to book airline tickets for their customers. MEPs believe this will mean more competition and therefore lower distribution costs, but they also want measures to ensure consumers get a fair deal - and can be presented with environment-friendlier travel options.

The European Commission should allocate at least 40% of EU transport infrastructure appropriations to the railways and prioritise freight, to reduce the need for road transport, says an own-initiative adopted by the European Parliament with 541 votes in favour, 6 against and 15 abstentions.

In adopting an own-initiative report on the mid-term review of the European Environment and Health Action Plan 2004-2010, the European Parliament acknowledges the efforts made by the Commission since the action plan was launched in 2004. It considers, however, that such an action plan is bound to fail at least in part, since it is designed solely to accompany existing Community policies.

In search of the best strategies to boost Europe's leadership in ICT (Information and Communications Technology) research and innovation in the next decade, the European Commission launched a public consultation. Contributions from industry, ICT experts, policy-makers and the wider public will be fed into a new strategy for ICT research and innovation, to be unveiled next year. The aim is to put European ICT industry, especially SMEs, to the fore of the race for global competitiveness.

The European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB) have encouraged the European Payments Council to move ahead with the launch of the SEPA Direct Debit scheme. Under this scheme, bank customers would be able to arrange direct debits to pay companies with bank accounts in any of the 31 European countries participating in SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area).

The European Parliament called for a ban in the EU on the cloning of animals for food supply. MEPs also urged an embargo on imports of cloned animals, their offspring and products derived from these sources.

At a one-day conference in Zaragoza stakeholders will discuss ways to use water more efficiently in the European Union. The conference follows the Communication on water scarcity and droughts presented by the European Commission in July 2007 and contributions will feed into the report the Commission is due to publish at the end of 2008 as a follow-up to its Communication. The report will tackle implementation and monitoring aspects of the policy options presented in the Communication.

More effort is needed to boost the quality of jobs and reduce violence against women, says an own-initiative report on equality of men and women in the EU adopted by MEPs, the first to cover all 27 EU Member States.

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