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Online hiring activity dropped in the UK in October 2007 for the second consecutive month as the Monster Employment Index declined by two points. The Index dropped to a level of 160 points, due mainly to a significant decline in online demand in the sales sector. There were also notable decreases in opportunities for craft and related workers; and legislators, senior officials and managers.

In September 2007 compared with August 2007, seasonally adjusted industrial production fell by 0.7% in the euro area (EA13) and by 0.5% in the EU27. In August production grew by 1.2% in the euro area and by 0.9% in the EU27. In September 2007 compared with September 2006, industrial production rose by 3.5% in the euro area and by 3.1% in the EU27.


The money sent by migrants to their former country of residence, usually referred to as workers' remittances, from the EU27 Member States amounted to €26 bn in 2006, compared with €23 bn in 2005.

The European Court of Auditors' 2006 Annual Report identifies some improvements, particularly in agricultural spending, although errors of legality and regularity still persist in the majority of EU expenditure due to weaknesses in internal control systems both at the Commission and in Member States


The Monster Employment Index Europe grew by two points in October as online job availability across Europe increased for a second consecutive month. European online worker demand reached a new Index-high as France, Sweden and the Netherlands edged higher while Germany and the United Kingdom both saw slight declines. Year-on-year, the Index grew 23 points, or 18 percent.

European Broadband Service Providers (BSPs) added 4.2 million new subscriptions in Q2 ’07, according to a report just published by Strategy Analytics, “Broadband Service Provider Performance Benchmarking: Europe Q207.” This represents a 5 percent increase from the previous quarter.

Growth in the European Union economy is expected to decelerate from 2.9% in 2007 to 2.4% in both 2008 and 2009 (from 2.6% to 2.2% in 2008 and 2.1% in 2009 in the euro area) according to the Commission’s autumn economic forecast.

According to Research and Markets, the global chemical industry is growing extensively, thanks to multiple uses of chemicals in various industries. With respect to the global chemical industry, EU slipped down to the second position (market share of 30.43% and production value of Euro 455.2 Billion) as the largest chemical production base in 2005 after Asia; the reason was the expansion of production bases by China and India and poor performance in petrochemicals and specialty chemical segment in European Union (25).

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for the U.K declined 0.1 percent, and the coincident index increased 0.1 percent in September.

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