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The rapid deployment of mobile TV services across Europe has taken a significant step forward as EU Member States endorsed the European Commission three pillar strategy presented in July: putting in place a joint approach to the licensing of mobile TV in order to accelerate the rollout of services and to encourage innovative business models; making available spectrum for these services, possibly in the UHF frequency band; and promoting the use of DVB-H as the mobile TV standard for Europe.

In 2006, EU27 external trade in services recorded a surplus of 68.5 billion euro, an increase compared with 52.9 bn in 2005 and 46.4 bn in 2004.


The European Council should adopt a balanced approach towards flexicurity which should include key principles like adaptable and reliable contracts, investment in lifelong learning, and a core of rights regardless of workers' employment status, says an own-initiative report adopted by the European Parliament.

The Bloomberg Eurozone Retail Purchasing Managers' Index , an indicator based on a mid-month survey of economic conditions in the euro area retail sector and providing data one month ahead of government issued figures, fell from 48.0 in October to 45.9 in November, signaling a decline in sales for the second consecutive month. Moreover, the latest fall was the second-steepest recorded over the survey's four-year history, exceeded only marginally by the record contraction seen in May 2004 (45.4).

Commercial interest in pensions provision is increasingly focused on the management of occupational schemes, personal retirement saving for high-income individuals, and at-retirement and post-retirement products, including annuities. Most individuals are reluctant or unable to save adequately for retirement: three-quarters of those aged 30 and over who are not in defined-benefit pension schemes are not saving enough. Furthermore, defined-benefit schemes are themselves in sharp decline.

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive aiming at modernising and simplifying the complex VAT rules for financial and insurance services and securing a level playing field in the pan-EU market for these services as far as VAT is concerned.

A Commission proposal to reduce air pollution and the CO2 impact of transport fuels was amended at the first reading by the EP Environment Committee on 27 November to make greenhouse gas reductions more flexible, introduce quality standards for biofuels and bring forward the introduction of cleaner fuels.

The annual rate of growth of M3 increased to 12.3% in October 2007, from 11.3% in September 2007. The three-month average of the annual growth rates of M3 over the period August 2007 - October 2007 rose to 11.7%, from 11.5% in the period July 2007 - September 2007.

The free movement of goods within the EU is expected to speed up following the adoption of a legislative package by the Internal Market Committee on Tuesday 27 November. The reports adopted relate to three directives on mutual recognition and market surveillance. MEPs want to make the sale of goods within the EU easier while boosting consumer confidence in products bearing the "CE" label.

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