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An upswing in the consumer climate is unlikely, even towards the end of the year. While income expectations rose, economic expectations and the propensity to buy fell. Following the revised 4.8 points in November, the consumer climate forecast for December is 4.3 points.

How many EU households have only mobile phones? For how long do they talk per day on their mobile phones? How many inhabitants are served by each post office in the Member States? How many Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) are there per inhabitant in the EU? How do Europeans prefer to pay for their purchases?

With only five weeks to go before the adoption of the euro by Cyprus and Malta, the Commission made a final assessment of the state of practical preparations for the currency changeover in both countries. The Commission concluded that both Member States are well prepared for the introduction of the euro.

At a budgetary conciliation meeting with the Council on 23 November, Parliament won a number of victories, notably on the Galileo project, the European Institute of Technology and EU missions to Kosovo and Palestine, while also safeguarding programmes belonging to the Lisbon strategy. The EP delegation will propose to the plenary a draft budget for 2008 that reflects the policy priorities adopted by Parliament at first reading.

UEAPME, the European craft and SME employers’ organisation, welcomed the conclusions adopted by the Competitiveness Council on a simplified business environment in the areas of company law, accounting and auditing.

The robust recovery of EU labour markets in 2006 brought an increase in employment of 4 million – the strongest since 2000, according to the 2007 'Employment in Europe' report. But rather than being an occasion for premature celebration, the improved economic climate presents a unique opportunity to push more strongly for badly needed structural reforms. Member States need, in particular, to develop more integrated employment and training policies to improve employment security for EU workers in the changing global economy.

The European Commission proposed the suspension of import duties on all cereals except oats for the current marketing year - which ends on June 30, 2008. This is a reaction to the exceptionally tight situation on the world and EU cereals markets and the record price levels. Although the current levels of border protection for cereals are rather low, import duties are still applied for certain types of grains that are relevant for the balance of the EU market. The proposal will have to be approved by the Council of Ministers, hopefully at its meeting starting on 18 December.

In a letter addressed to the Portuguese Presidency, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) has called upon current EU Presidency to make the most of their final month of leadership by adopting concrete benchmarks for improving performance on the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS).

The much-touted European Private Company statute will only be helpful if it is designed as a fully flexible, simple tool adapted to the needs of SMEs, according to UEAPME, the European craft and SME employers’ association.

The Commission opened the new session of the Restructuring Forum, devoted to the adaptation of Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to change. This Forum highlights the specific challenges that restructuring can pose for SMEs and aims to create a platform for the exchange and discussion of best practices on how to adapt to change.

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