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The European Commission proposed legislation to reduce the average CO2 emissions of new passenger cars to 120 grams per kilometre by 2012. The proposed legislation is the cornerstone of the EU's strategy to improve the fuel economy of cars, which account for about 12% of the European Union's carbon emissions. The proposal further underlines the EU's leadership and determination to deliver on its greenhouse gas commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and beyond.

The Transport Committee has confirmed that remaining postal service monopolies should expire by 2011 - or 2013 for some Member States. In its second reading vote on Tuesday, the committee decided by an overwhelming majority to stick to the compromise already endorsed by the Council on the opening up of EU postal services to competition. This paves the way for a final vote at the Brussels plenary session on 31 January.

The annual growth rate of the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by euro area residents was 9.1% in October 2007, the same as in September. For the outstanding amount of quoted shares issued by euro area residents, the annual growth rate increased from 1.4% in September 2007 to 1.6% in October.

In the construction sector, seasonally adjusted production rose by 0.6% in the euro area (EA13) and by 0.3% in the EU27 in October 2007, compared with the previous month. In September, production decreased by 0.1% in the euro area, but increased by 0.3% in the EU27.

Growth in the euro-area economy rebounded in the third quarter of 2007, but economic activity is expected to moderate in the next few quarters, indicates the Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA).

The European Commission has published a White Paper on the Integration of EU Mortgage Markets. The White Paper summarises the conclusions of a comprehensive review of European residential mortgage markets and presents a balanced 'package' of measures to improve the efficiency and the competitiveness of these markets, to the benefit of consumers, mortgage lenders and investors alike. This is to be achieved in particular through improvement in the areas of cross-border supply, product diversity, consumer empowerment and customer mobility.

The Autumn Eurobarometer shows that general attitudes of citizens towards the EU and its institutions remain highly positive. However, EU citizens are increasingly worried about the economic situation in their country and notably by inflation.

The first estimate for the euro area (EA13) trade balance with the rest of the world in October 2007 gave a 6.1 bn euro surplus, compared with +2.4 bn in October 2006. The September 2007 balance was +3.7 bn, compared with +2.3 bn in September 2006. In October 2007 compared with September 2007, seasonally adjusted exports rose by 2.3% and imports by 2.0%.


GDP per inhabitant in Luxembour2, expressed in terms of purchasing power standard3 (PPS), was more than two-and-a-half times the EU27 average in 2006, while Ireland was nearly 50% above the average.

The European Court of Justice has ruled that trade unions can in principle take action to prevent employers from using cheaper workers from EU countries with fewer labour rights.

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