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Just two weeks before Christmas, sweeping new EU rules to crackdown on misleading advertising and aggressive selling practices - including a ban on fake "free" offers and a ban on "pester power" advertising (direct exhortation) to children on the Internet - will come into force across the EU.

Two out of three Europeans use credit to buy furniture, a washing machine or a car. Yet the market in consumer credit is still a national one. The EP Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee voted on Monday at second reading on plans to stimulate the European market while still protecting consumers.

The seasonally adjusted number of persons employed in the euro area (EA13) rose by 0.3% (407 000 persons) during the third quarter of 2007, according to provisional national accounts estimates published by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities.

While supporting the extension of some temporary measures allowing specific Member States to impose lower than standard rates of VAT on certain goods and services, a report adopted by Parliament argues that all Member States should be able to use lower rates, if they wish, for locally supplied services and for basic goods and services where there is a clear social, economic or environmental benefit from doing so.

Fitch Ratings has said that it believes 2008 will be a considerably more challenging year for major European banks than 2007. The largely positive ratings trend in recent years will be eroded as bank earnings come under increasing pressure from the ongoing financial market turmoil, the agency says in a special report, entitled "Outlook for Major European Banks in 2008: More Stormy Waters Ahead".

Regional unemployment rates varied widely across the EU27 in 2006, from 2.6% in the regions of North Eastern Scotland in the United Kingdom and Bolzano/Bozen in Italy, to 28.5% in Guyane, a French Overseas Department. In the EU27 as a whole, the unemployment rate fell from 9.0% in 2005 to 8.2% in 2006. At regional level, rates fell in nearly three-quarters of the 266 NUTS 2 regions of the EU27 for which data are available.

The EU27 external current account recorded a deficit of 16.3 billion euro in the third quarter of 2007, as compared with a deficit of 24.6 bn in the third quarter of 2006 and a deficit of 14.6 bn in the second quarter of 2007.

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for the U.K increased 0.2 percent, and the coincident index increased 0.1 percent in October.

Retail e-commerce continues to grow in the largest Western European economies, although smaller countries are likely to take market share from them in the coming years.

The European Commission presented a new action plan to promote job mobility across Europe by tackling the remaining obstacles faced by people seeking to work in another EU country. It puts forward a new integrated approach and lists 15 concrete actions for the period 2007-2010 involving national, regional and local – as well as European – authorities.

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