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The current account of the euro area balance of payments (b.o.p.) recorded a deficit of EUR 1.4 billion in the second quarter of 2007. Deficits were recorded for the group of “other countries” (i.e. non G-10 countries outside the European Union), Japan, the EU institutions and Switzerland. By contrast, the main surpluses were with the United Kingdom and the countries that joined the European Union in 2004 and 2007, while the current account balance with the United States was close to zero.

Euro area annual inflation was 2.1% in September 2007, up from 1.7% in August. A year earlier the rate was 1.7%. Monthly inflation was 0.4% in September 2007. EU annual inflation was 2.2% in September 2007, up from 1.9% in August. A year earlier the rate was 1.9%. Monthly inflation was 0.4% in September 2007.


The European Commission has published a summary of the 38 responses it received to a call for evidence regarding the functioning in EU Member States of private placement regimes. Under private placement securities can be sold privately to expert investors without triggering rules on investor protection, reporting and disclosures that apply when instruments are sold to the retail public.

Although some European countries lead the world in broadband access, there is a growing gap between the best and worst performers, according to a report presented by the European Commission. Lack of competition and regulatory weaknesses are cited as the main obstacles to broadband growth. The Commission will address these shortcomings in its proposals to reform the EU's Telecom Rules on 13 November.

Fitch Ratings has said in a new report that the five major Italian banks performed strongly in H107, making them well placed for a more turbulent H207. The report analyses the performance of the major Italian banks for H107 and provides an outlook for the full year results.

UK companies are seeing significant increases in the number of internal and external regulatory investigations according to a report published by international law firm and litigation heavyweight Fulbright & Jaworski. However, the number of court actions filed against companies appears to be down with 38% of UK companies seeing no court proceedings brought against them in the last 12 months, compared with 17% of US businesses that saw no litigation brought against them.

The emergence of the next generation of Internet technology and applications has led to the coining of the term Web 2.0, to indicate that the Internet now has more capabilities than ever before. The Internet Media companies such as Google, News Corp and Yahoo are just some of the leaders taking advantage of this with the introduction of new services and applications. This revival of the Internet has also led in part to the re-emergence of the Internet economy, and more specifically e-commerce. The increase in broadband connections is another factor that has led to this revival.

The UK travel and tourism industry serves three main markets: domestic tourism by UK residents within the UK; outbound tourism by UK residents travelling abroad; and inbound tourism by overseas residents travelling to the UK. In 2006, total expenditure on UK travel and tourism increased by 1.4%, to £70.04bn. A total of 227 million trips were made and 1.35 billion overnight stays were recorded during the year. Between 2002 and 2006, the inbound market was the best performing of the three in terms of the number of trips and bed nights. The performance of the domestic market was more subdued.

comScore, Inc. released a report into the online habits of the U.K.'s social networking community, based on data collected through the comScore Segment Metrix H/M/L analytical tool, released last month.

In August 2007 compared with July 2007, seasonally adjusted industrial production increased by 1.2% in the euro area (EA13) and by 0.9% in the EU27. In July production grew by 0.7% in the euro area and by 0.6% in the EU27.

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