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The latest financial data for 2006 confirms positive trend in the EU's budgetary development. More funding for competitiveness was ensured by further modernisation of expenditure; improvements in monitoring and planning kept the budget execution rate at a historically high level; and the substantial increase of the EU-10 countries' share of the budget secured their growing participation in EU policies. The "EU Budget 2006 Financial Report" proves the EU's continued devotion to the Growth and Jobs agenda.

The euro area (EA13) industrial new orders index fell by 4.0% in July 2007 compared with June 2007. The index rose by 4.5% in June. EU27 new orders decreased by 3.9% in July 2007, after an increase of 5.3% in June. Excluding ships, railway & aerospace equipment industrial new orders fell by 0.1% in the euro area, but rose by 0.8% in the EU27 in July 2007.


The Conference Board announced that the leading index for Germany increased 0.1 percent and the coincident index increased 0.3 percent in July.


37 environmental and human rights groups have called upon the Members of the European Parliament to drop support for a 10% mandatory biofuel target during next week's vote on the Thomsen report.

The working day and seasonally adjusted current account of the euro area recorded a surplus of EUR 1.7 billion in July 2007, reflecting surpluses in goods, services and income which were partly offset by a deficit in current transfers. In the financial account, net inflows of EUR 37 billion in combined direct and portfolio investment were mainly accounted for by net purchases of euro area equity securities by non-residents.

Only 7 of the European Union countries do not have a statuary minimum wage. In the remaining 20 the level varies considerably from €92 Euro a month in Bulgaria to €1570 in Luxembourg. A hearing by the Employment Committee on 12 September looked at the extent to which minimum wages actually help tackle social exclusion. One of the issues raised was the plight of "the working poor" - people with jobs but on the poverty line. Women, children and those over 65 are particularly affected by this.

The Commission has welcomed the publication by the OECD, under the responsibility of Secretary General Gurria, of its first Economic review of the European Union.

The European Commission published its plans for liberalising European energy. In the name of consumer protection, it continues in the pursuit of liberalisation of the European energy market at all costs. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) believes that this liberalisation drive fails to meet the real energy challenges facing Europe.

The annual growth rate of the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by euro area residents was 9.0% in July 2007, the same as in June. For the outstanding amount of quoted shares issued by euro area residents, the annual growth rate was 1.5% in July 2007, compared with 1.4% in June.

In the construction sector, seasonally adjusted production remained stable in the euro area (EA13) and fell by 0.1% in the EU27 in July 2007, compared with the previous month. In June, production grew by 0.5% in the euro area and by 0.6% in the EU27.

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