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As a result of Sony's commitment to energy efficiency, Sony reduced power consumption within 90% of its product categories during the FY06. With energy efficiency as one of its core commitments towards the creation of a sustainable society, Sony is continuously striving to make products that use less energy in homes and offices.

Small and medium businesses (SMBs or companies with up to 999 employees) in Russia are set to spend US$5.4 billion this year to strengthen their IT infrastructure, up some 36% over 2006, with the bulk of the SMBs citing data security as their topmost concern, according to the latest study from Access Markets International (AMI) Partners, Inc.

In the first quarter of 2007, the annual growth rate of net disposable income in the euro area equalled 5.7%, compared with 5.8% in the fourth quarter of 2006. The annual growth of consumption was 3.8% in the first quarter, which was higher than in the fourth quarter (3.6%). In the first quarter net saving increased by 29.3% per year, compared with 33.2% in the previous quarter. The annual growth rate of gross fixed capital formation was 10.5% in the first quarter of 2007, compared with 10.3% in the previous quarter.

Carbon black manufacturers in Europe are gearing up to meet one of their biggest challenges as key end-user industries of this material increasingly shift their production facilities from western Europe to the comparatively low-cost central and eastern Europe (CEE) region. The task of transporting carbon black from existing manufacturing plants in western Europe to end users' facilities in eastern Europe is both expensive and uneconomical, creating enormous difficulties for manufacturers.

In June 2007, compared to June 2006, the volume of retail trade grew by 0.9% in the euro area (EA13) and by 2.2% in the EU27. Compared to May 2007, the retail sales index rose by 0.4% and 0.5% respectively.


European Internet users ages 55 and older have taken to broadband, with 68% using a high-speed connection at their primary point of access, according to the "Silver Surfers Report" from the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA).


In June 2007 compared with May 2007, the industrial producer price index rose by 0.1% in the euro area (EA13). In June, EU27 prices also gained 0.1%. In May prices increased by 0.3% in both zones. In June 2007 compared with June 2006, industrial producer prices gained 2.3% in the euro area and 2.2% in the EU27.


One month after the EU Roaming Regulation to reduce mobile roaming charges by up to 70% entered into force, the Commission has published a website to benchmark how mobile operators in all 27 Member States have applied the new EU rules. The Commission has found that the broad majority of mobile phone operators comply with the EU Regulation by offering customers the new "Eurotariff" (tariffs no higher than €0.49 per minute for calls made abroad and no higher than €0.24 for calls received abroad, excluding VAT).

With an annual growth rate of 25% over the next four years, the market will triple in size by 2011, reaching $407 billion.

The European Investment Bank is lending EUR 190m to Croatian gas transportation company, Plinacro, for the expansion and modernisation of the national gas network during the investment period 2007-2011. This strategic project will serve to reinforce interconnections of Croatia’s national gas network with those of neighbouring EU Member and Candidate States, strengthening security of supply and integration of the EU gas grid.

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