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The Conference Board announced that both the leading and coincident indexes for Spain increased 0.6 percent in May.

Online marketing spending in Europe will double to Eur16 billion ($20.16 billion) in 2012, from about Eur7.5 billion ($9.45 billion) in 2006, according to Forrester Research's "European Online Marketing Tops Eur16 Billion in 2012" report. The study covered France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the UK, and included surveys of both consumers and marketing firms.

The European Commission decided to establish a High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Waste Management. The Group will develop a common understanding and reinforce common approaches in the safety of nuclear installations. The high level of representation expected from countries that operate or possess nuclear installations as well as countries that have chosen not to use this form of energy, should facilitate Europe-wide cooperation and increase confidence in the levels of safety in European nuclear facilities.

Mariann Fischer Boel, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, announced her intention to submit to the Commission a proposal to set at 0 % the obligatory set-aside rate for autumn 2007 and spring 2008 sowings, in response to the increasingly tight situation on the cereals market.

The mix-adjusted average house price in the UK in May 2007 stood at £211,056, up from £209,454 in April 2007 (not seasonally adjusted). UK annual house price inflation in May 2007 was 10.9 per cent, down from 11.3 per cent in April 2007. Annual house price inflation in London was 14.5 per cent in May, up from 14.0 per cent in April. The UK annual house price inflation rate for the 3 months to May was 11.0 per cent and 14.1 per cent in London.

Polish environmental and building technologies (EBT) industry experienced a rise in exports and greater integration with Western European countries since joining the EU. The accession compelled the industry to implement a series of environmental programs and policies to comply with EU environmental standards. In due course, the Polish EBT industry became one of the most vibrant ones in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region.

Faced with increasing price pressures, vendors in the European business telephony markets are beginning to heighten focus on software and applications, moving away from the margin-sapping hardware business. However, in these new high-growth high-margin markets, the installed base of private branch exchange (PBX) remains a key competitive factor. Thus, most vendors are aggressively targeting the PBX installed base.

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for the U.K increased 0.1 percent and the coincident index increased 0.2 percent in May.

The Conference Board reports that the leading index for France declined 0.1 percent and the coincident index increased 0.2 percent in May.

The performance of network industries, such as telecommunications, transport and utilities has continued to improve and consumers are generally satisfied, according to a European Commission report. The opening up of these industries to competition has benefited users by putting pressure on service providers to keep their costs and prices down.

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