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Due to the presence of Novo Nordisk, Denmark is a major global supplier of insulin in retail form. This has resulted in a long standing balance of trade surplus. Imports and exports have experienced double-digit growth since 2000.

In 2006, the price level of a comparable basket of food and non-alcoholic beverages was two and half times higher in the most expensive EU27 Member State than in the cheapest one. The range was similar for alcoholic beverages, but was much greater for tobacco where price levels were seven times higher.

A report from the European Commission's in-house scientific service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), indicates that overall electricity consumption is growing in the EU. According to the report, electricity consumption in the tertiary (service) sector increased by 15.8%, and industry consumption by 9.5%. The average consumption for a single household in the EU-25 was 4098 kWh in 2004. This could be reduced by 800 kWh per house per year, or about 20 % less electricity consumption in each household, if replacement of existing appliances and equipment and a full phase out of incandescent lighting were to be actively promoted in all EU Member States.

With an ageing population and expensive drugs driving healthcare costs upwards, generic medicines are gaining significance in Europe. The governments are under tremendous pressure to reduce healthcare expenditure. In this scenario, generics are widely regarded as the best method to allow access to safe, effective and high quality drugs at affordable prices to a vast majority of patients.

The new regulation on transboundary shipments of waste aims to ensure that waste is properly handled from the time it is shipped to the time it is disposed of or recovered at destination. To achieve its objectives the regulation reinforces and clarifies the current legal framework for waste shipment within the EU and with non-EU countries. The regulation – which was adopted last year but applies only as of 12 July 2007 – also bans the export of hazardous waste or waste for disposal to certain countries.

Although the EU's Telecom Rules have led to significant benefits for citizens and enterprises alike, important challenges remain for national and European regulators, says a report published by the Commission.

Seasonally adjusted industrial production increased by 0.9% in the euro area (EA13) in May 2007 compared with April 2007. Production fell by 0.7% in April and grew by 0.6% in March. In the EU27 output rose by 0.7% in May, after a decrease of 0.4% in April and an increase of 0.5% in March. In May 2007 compared with May 2006, industrial production rose by 2.5% in the euro area and by 2.7% in the EU27.


Euro area (EA13) and EU27 GDP both grew by 0.7% in the first quarter of 2007, compared to the previous quarter, according to revised estimates from Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. In the fourth quarter of 2006, growth rates were +0.9% in both the euro area and the EU27.


Public limited liability companies will no longer have to order costly expert reports in cases of mergers and divisions, unless there is a demand for such reports among shareholders. After a three months fast track procedure, the European Parliament accepted a Commission proposal for removing unnecessary burdens on small businesses.

Online recruitment experienced strong growth across the UK in June, as the Monster Employment Index UK grew eight points. The Index showed that demand grew sharply in the first half of 2007, despite a dip in April. In June, the Index rose to 170, led by significant growth in the management and consulting industry sector. London and East Anglia saw the highest increases in online job opportunities in June, while the South West dropped by five points after a highly successful Q1. Overall, the Index is up 45 points in the last 12 months. The Monster Employment Index UK is a monthly analysis of millions of online job opportunities culled from different websites across Europe, including

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