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Taxation Trends in the EU
added: 26-06-2007

In 2005, the overall tax ratio (i.e. the total amount of taxes and social security contributions) in the EU272 stood at 39.6% of GDP, up from 39.2% in 2004. The EU27 tax ratio is nearly the same as in 1995 (39.7%); nevertheless, the ratio is lower than the peak of 41.0% in 1999. The downtrend which had started in 1999 in most countries stopped in 2005. In 2005 the overall tax ratio in the euro area (EA13) was 39.9%, up from 39.6% in 2004. Since 1995 taxes in the euro area have followed a similar trend to the EU27, although at a slightly higher level.

European content security market is gathering pace, particularly with enterprise security gaining priority due to the ever increasing need to protect critical information from the emerging threats and attacks. Furthermore, employee productivity is becoming an area of focus and in the recent past, Europe has also been reviving its legislative directives, necessitating greater investments in security.

Using your mobile phone abroad will become substantially cheaper this summer thanks to the EU's intervention. With the publication of the EU Roaming Regulation in the EU's Official Journal at the end of this week, this important piece of internal market legislation will become binding law in all 27 Member States on 30 June.

The European Commission has issued a report addressed to the European Parliament and the Council on two motor insurance issues – the effectiveness of claims representatives in settling claims, and insurance cover for legal expenses. Based upon various consultations carried out in 2006 with Member States, industry and the public, the report concludes that claims representatives are generally able to handle claims within the required timescale. The report also concludes that voluntary legal expenses insurance is available in the large majority of Member States and that the obligatory inclusion of legal costs in third-party liability insurance would not produce clear benefits.

The European Commission has launched a new programme to co-operate with third countries in the areas of migration and asylum with a budget of €380 million for 2007-2013. Building on the experience of its predecessor, AENEAS, the programme will seek to support third countries in their efforts to ensure better management of migratory flows in all its dimensions. The focus will be countries along the Southern and Eastern migratory routes towards the European Union, although other migratory routes as well as South-South migrations will also be covered.

The European Union (EU) Regulation on international mobile roaming comes into force in the 27 EU Member States at the end of this week, meaning that consumers will be able to benefit from “Eurotariff” rates from August 2007.

A new world of electronics, this time in miniature, will soon take a major step forward as the Commission adopted its proposal to launch a Europe-wide public-private research partnership in nanoelectronics, called ENIAC. With an expected budget of €3bn from industry, Member States and the Commission it will create a strong nanoelectronics research and manufacturing sector in Europe. This will ultimately generate innovative products with in-built intelligence in countless areas such as the consumer electronics, automotive, healthcare and environmental management sectors.

Spurred on by continued terrorist threats, European Union (EU) airport security regulations and constant breaches despite security beef ups, countries across Europe are further heightening focus on strengthening airport security. Moreover, the dramatic increase in passenger traffic had initiated Eurocontrol to renew its air traffic forecasts for Europe.

Advanced traffic management systems are receiving considerable attention across Western Europe, particularly given surging traffic congestion and pollution levels. While the United Kingdom, France and Germany together account for around 63 per cent of total market share at present, future revenues will come primarily from Scandinavia, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain.

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