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While the western European industrial wood coatings markets are mature, there is potential to grow with technological innovations and new application regions. Increasing volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions are leading to stricter environmental norms. Accordingly, there is a shift toward radcure and waterborne coatings, which is expected to promote market growth.

In the fourth quarter of 2006, the seasonally adjusted gross saving rate of households was 13.7% in the euro area (EA13). For non-financial corporations, the investment rate5 was, in the fourth quarter of 2006, 22.0% in the euro area and 21.5% in the EU27.

Euro area (EA13) and EU27 GDP both grew by 0.6% in the first quarter of 2007, compared with the previous quarter, according to first estimates released by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. In the fourth quarter of 2006, growth rates were +0.9% in both the euro area and the EU27.


Between 2000 and 2006, EU27 exports of goods to Japan fell slightly in value, from 45.5 bn euro to 44.7 bn, while EU27 imports from Japan decreased by 17%, from 92.1 bn to 76.8 bn. As a result the EU27 deficit in trade with Japan declined from 46.6 bn in 2000 to 32.1 bn in 2006. The share of Japan in the EU27's total external trade in goods has fallen by a third between 2000 and 2006. In 2006, Japan accounted for 4% of EU27 exports and 6% of EU27 imports, and was the EU27's fifth most important trading partner.

Euro area (EA13) seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 7.1% in April 2007, compared with 7.2% in March. It was 8.0% in April 2006. The EU27 unemployment rate was also 7.1% in April 2007, compared with 7.2% in March. It was 8.0% in April 2006.


The Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) increased in both the EU and the euro area in May, after remaining almost stable in April. The indicator increased moderately, by 1.3 points in the EU and by 0.9 of a point in the euro area, to 114.9 and 111.9 respectively.

The Bloomberg Eurozone Retail Purchasing Managers' Index ("PMI(R)"), an indicator based on a mid-month survey of economic conditions in the euro area retail sector and providing data one month ahead of government issued figures, recorded its steepest decline in the history of the survey in May, falling by over 6 points from April's ten-month high of 54.6 to 48.4.

The GSM Association (GSMA), the global trade association for mobile operators, is to collaborate with Microsoft Corporation on a global research programme to determine consumer user trends and the mass market potential of notebook PCs with embedded mobile.

The Commission has adopted the second stage consultation with workers' and employers' representatives on how to achieve a better balance between work, private and family life. Invited to express their opinions on the need for Community action on this issue last October, thirteen of the European social partners have sent contributions. All have acknowledged the importance of issues such as accessible care facilities for children and dependants, the need for men genuinely to take up reconciliation measures, equal pay, flexible working hours and the possible updating of existing legislation related to reconciliation. Although views differ on what needs to be done and at what level, the majority of the social partners consider that further action is needed in this area.

According Research and Markets the European the levels of penetration of healthcare information technology (HIT) vary considerably across Europe, with some countries having achieved more than 90.0 per cent in the primary care sector, while others are gradually getting to that point at the rate of 8.0 to 9.0 per cent per year.

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