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With the advent of new technologies and innovations in Europe, telecommunication service providers are increasingly offering fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) solutions. These solutions enable carriers to offer a wide range of core services, irrespective of the device or access network available to the end user.

The Bloomberg Eurozone Retail Purchasing Managers' Index ("PMI(R)"), an indicator based on a mid-month survey of economic conditions in the euro area retail sector and providing data one month ahead of government issued figures, rose from 53.4 in March to 54.6 in April. The PMI has risen continually since hitting a near two-year low in January, and signaled the steepest monthly rise in sales for ten months in the latest survey period.

A report adopted by Parliament on Thursday backs a strict application of the Stability and Growth Pact and calls for renewed efforts by Member States to use the current upswing in the economy to prepare public finances for the challenges of the future, notably an ageing population.

Emergency services and communications, navigation systems, live sports, news and weather coverage and financial transactions: day-to-day life in Europe depends more and more on space applications. To ensure a leading European role in these socially and economically important fields EU- countries are to join hands to successfully develop powerful space systems and technologies.

With the ending of the anticipated weak phase, the consumer climate made a significant recovery in the first quarter of 2007. The indicator is forecasting 5.5 points for May, which is up on the April forecast of 4.4. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the clear signs of a strong economic upswing.

UEAPME, the European craft and SME employers' organisation, welcomed the adoption of the Payments Services Directive (PSD) at the European Parliament's plenary.

If EU regional policy funding is to keep pace with the demands of further EU enlargement, then the "individual responsibility" of Member States must be increased, EU aid must be better targeted so as to prevent waste, and more projects should be loan financed. Institutional, financial and political reform is also necessary, as part of a review of the EU financial framework.

Economic growth and expectations in Europe remain positive, with high business confidence and falling unemployment levels, the latest European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) quarterly reports.

LUKOIL net income was $7,484 million in 2006, which is an increase of 16.2% y-o-y. EBITDA was $12,299 million, which is 18.2% higher y-o-y. Revenue from sales rose by 21.4%, to $67,684 million.

MEPs have adopted a legal framework designed to make cashless payments – such as card transactions, bank transfers and direct debits – simpler and cheaper, paving the way for the creation a single Euro payments area. A deal with the Council means the legislation will enter force at this first reading stage, giving the banking industry the time it needs to meet its 2010 target.

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