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The euro area (EA13) industrial new orders index decreased by 0.7% in February 2007 compared with January 2007. The index fell by 0.1% in January and grew by 1.5% in December 2006. EU27 new orders remained stable in February 2007, after a decrease of 1.4% in January and an increase of 2.5% in December 2006. Excluding ships, railway and aerospace equipment industrial new orders grew by 0.5% in the euro area and by 1.8% in the EU27 in February 2007.


EU: Ports and Product Safety
added: 24-04-2007

Are products entering the EU safe for consumers? Who is making sure that dangerous goods do not get into the marketplace? European Consumer Protection Commissioner Meglena Kuneva visited the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit) and its laboratory in Zwijndrecht, as well as the bustling port of Rotterdam.

British business leaders deem Russian companies' expansionistic intensions a threat and believe that if Russians are allowed to acquire assets in the UK it may lead to a decline in public trust - reveals a survey.

Ever since the economic downturn of 2001, the European electronics manufacturing industry has been facing a series of challenges, not least of which is the growing competition from low-cost economies such as China and other East Asian countries. Uncertain business conditions and high equipment costs have combined to create a highly challenging situation for vendors of surface mount technology (SMT) equipment, who are finding it difficult to stay profitable in the European markets.

In 2006, the government deficit of both the euro area (EA13) and the EU27 fell compared to 2005, while the government debt increased in absolute terms. In the euro area the government deficit decreased from 2.5% of GDP in 2005 to 1.6% in 2006, and in the EU27 it fell from 2.4% to 1.7%. In the euro area the government debt to GDP ratio fell from 70.5% at the end of 2005 to 69.0% at the end of 2006, and in the EU27 from 62.9% to 61.7%.


The European Federation of Accountants (FEE) publishes the results of a survey it undertook examining taxation rules of interest and royalties in EU Member States


This is in essence the message European banks delivered to Commission President Barroso during a joint meeting in Lisbon.

Fitch Ratings says in a special report that despite rationalisation of their international portfolios, European food retailers' expansion strategy will continue to put pressure on their financial flexibility and ratings. In part, this is due to the increased level of capital investment dedicated to develop overseas activities.

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for Germany increased 0.8 percent and the coincident index increased 0.3 percent in February.


A total of € 285.3 million of EU farm payments unduly spent by Member States will be claimed back as a result of a decision adopted by the European Commission. The money returns to the Community budget because of inadequate control procedures or non-compliance with EU rules on agricultural expenditure.

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