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The telecommunications industry in Greece is dominated by OTE (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization). Between April 1996 and July 1999, six sales of OTE stock were conducted, leaving the operator 37.7%-owned by the state at the time of writing.

UK retailers have agreed to reduce the overall environmental impact of their carrier bags by 25% by the end of 2008.

Six years after the launch of the Open Method of Coordination (OMC), the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) notes that much work remains to be done, notably with regard to social inclusion.


Better access to public procurement for small businesses can spark innovation and contribute to economic stability, according to UEAPME, the European Craft and SME employers' organisation.


Eurozone Retail Sales Mixed
added: 27-02-2007

The February Bloomberg Eurozone Retail Purchasing Managers' Index ("PMI(R)"), an indicator based on a mid-month survey of economic conditions in the euro area retail sector and providing data one month ahead of government issued figures, signaled a near-stagnation in retail sales. At 49.8, below the critical no-change level of 50, the indicator signaled a very marginal drop in sales, and represents an improvement on the marked fall in sales seen in January, when the PMI hit a 23-month low of 47.9.


European community plans to use the experience of Russian nuclear power engineers for developing new safety culture in the nuclear energy sector. On Feb 21 Smolensk NPP hosted joined meeting of the joint working group of the International Expert Commission of the EU and SNPP specialists working under TACIS safety enhancement projects.

The rate of deterioration in the consumer climate has markedly slowed. This is attributable to the current rush of economic optimism and for the continuing upward trend in consumer income expectations. The consumer climate indicator is forecasting 4.4 points for March this year, which is down on the revised February forecast of 4.9 points.


Companies across Western Europe are growing aware of the increasing need to safeguard power supplies to prevent damages caused by power outages, thereby leading to enhanced growth in the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) market.

A single market for a new generation of mass-market consumer electronics (laptops, mobile phones, digital cameras, TVs...), that can exchange data wirelessly at very high rates over short distances is a step closer. The Commission Decision adopted today outlines the mandatory conditions for using ultra-wideband (UWB) technology in these next generation wireless devices all across the European Union.

Work-related illness and accidents should be cut by a quarter across the EU under a new five-year strategy for health and safety at work, adopted by the Commission today. It follows a 17% reduction in fatal accidents from 2002-2004 and a 20% fall in accidents leading to absence from work of three days or more.

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