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New research from BNY Mellon Asset Servicing reveals that in 2007, UK pension funds' holdings in Global Equities fell for the eighth consecutive year from 62.7% to 55.1%. This decline is largely due to funds continuing to reduce their weightings in UK Equities, which fell from 34.4% to 28.7%. This is the lowest ever allocation to this asset class. Overseas Equities also fell, from 28.3% to 26.4% and the split between UK and Overseas Equity is now almost 50/50.

The Committee upheld the position of the Parliament's first reading last June supporting a full export ban of metallic mercury, cinnabar ore, all mercury compounds and those mercury-containing products which are banned from sale in the EU, as well as an import ban, by December 2010.

The European car industry welcomes the clear trend towards CO2-related car taxation but warns that the environmental results may be negatively influenced by the widely varying systems in each country.

The Bloomberg Eurozone Retail Purchasing Managers' Index ("PMI(R)"), an indicator based on a mid-month survey of economic conditions in the euro area retail sector and providing data one month ahead of government issued figures, fell to 48.2 in March, down from 52.4 the previous month.

Luxembourg urgently needs to establish liability against legal persons for foreign bribery and put in place sanctions that are effective, proportionate and dissuasive, according to a report by the OECD's Working Group on Bribery. The bill currently before Parliament, designed to introduce this responsibility in Luxembourg law, should be amended to ensure that it meets the requirements of the OECD Anti-bribery Convention.

In January 2008 compared with December 2007, the euro area (EA15) industrial new orders index grew by 2.0%. In December the index fell by 3.6%. In the EU27 new orders decreased by 1.0% in January 2008 and by 1.7% in December 2007. Excluding ships, railway & aerospace equipment industrial new orders gained 1.3% in the euro area but lost 0.8% in the EU27.

Forrester Research estimates that 38% of mobile phone users in Western Europe will use the mobile Internet by 2013. This equates to 125 million Europeans.

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for Germany declined 1.1 percent and the coincident index increased 0.4 percent in January.

European heads of governments called for an agreement on Europe's energy package by the end of 2008 - a move welcomed by the green campaign group which says it is crucial for the legislation to be adopted before the UN climate negotiations in 2009.

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