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Total freight transport by inland modes (rail, road, inland waterways and oil pipelines) in the EU27 increased by 5% in 2006 compared with 2005, reaching 2 595 billion tkm. Among the Member States, the highest increases were recorded in Greece (+42%), Hungary (+16%) and the Czech Republic (+13%), and the largest declines were observed in Cyprus (-16%), Denmark (-8%), Estonia and Ireland (both -3%).

The Conference Board announced that the leading index for the U.K declined 0.3 percent, and the coincident index increased 0.2 percent in February.

Different tax systems triggering high compliance costs are a barrier for small businesses wishing to trade their goods and services cross-border in the EU, according to UEAPME, the European craft and SME employers’ organisation.

Following a prolonged period of stagnation, Germany has been enjoying a vigorous recovery. Business and government finances are robust, laying a solid foundation for a continuation of the upswing provided that headwinds from the global financial market turmoil do not become overwhelming.

Waste production should be stabilized by 2012, said the Environment Committee in a second reading report, adopted Tuesday, on a proposal to revise the EU framework directive on waste. The committee voted to reinstate most of Parliament's first reading amendments that were not taken up by the Council, and reiterated Parliament's call for re-use and recycling targets.

Euro area (EA13) GDP grew by 0.4% and EU27 GDP by 0.5% in the fourth quarter of 2007 compared with the previous quarter, according to second estimates from Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities. In the third quarter of 2007, growth rates were +0.7% in the euro area and +0.8% in the EU27.


The question of who leads Europe, if anyone, is one that has been discussed at length, and according to a new Harris Interactive/France 24/International Herald Tribune survey, it appears that the answer is Germany.

Europe's oceans and seas should be the cleanest in the world, with the most stable biodiversity, the most profitable economy, the best research and technology, the most modern shipping, the best education and training and the most innovative ideas. But daily experience suggests that the Commission's Action Plan for an Integrated Maritime Policy needs to be much more ambitious to achieve these goals, says the Transport Committee.

In 2005, there were almost 20 million enterprises active within the non-financial business economy (NFBE) in the EU27. Nearly all of these enterprises (99.8%) were either micro, small or medium-sized enterprises, with up to 249 persons employed. This share varied only marginally between Member States. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises' relative importance in terms of contribution to jobs and wealth was lower than their share in the total number of enterprises, since they accounted for 67% of total employment and 58% of value added in the non-financial business economy in the EU27 in 2005.


Eurogroup Chair Jean-Claude Juncker told MEPs on Monday that the outlook for the Eurozone economy had worsened, and the next forecasts would be for lower growth and higher inflation than previously expected. Nevertheless, he warned against “excessive pessimism”, stressing that the economic fundamentals were solid.

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