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The euro area (EA16) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 8.2% in January 2009, compared with 8.1% in December 2008. It was 7.3% in January 2008. The EU27 unemployment rate was 7.6% in January 2009, compared with 7.5% in December 2008. It was 6.8% in January 2008.

Euro area annual inflation was 1.1% in January 2009, down from 1.6% in December. A year earlier the rate was 3.2%. Monthly inflation was -0.8% in January 2009.

The largest multilateral investors and lenders in Eastern Europe - the EBRD, the EIB Group, and the World Bank Group - have pledged to provide up to €24.5 billion to support the banking sectors in the region and to fund lending to businesses hit by the global economic crisis.

According to UEAPME, relieving micro enterprises from financial reporting obligations is unlikely to generate a net cost reduction, since most will keep filing accounts anyway for national administrations, banks, suppliers and customers. Moreover, the Commission's proposal will decrease transparency and go against the single market, creating an uneven playing field between businesses operating in different Member States, only some of which will use the exemption. UEAPME therefore recommended simplifying the existing harmonised accounting rules as a more viable and less distortive alternative.

The European Commission has put forward a new proposal which would allow Member States to completely abolish financial reporting obligations for the EU's smallest companies. In a deteriorating economic climate, the new rules are designed to alleviate the regulatory burden on micro entities. The aggregate administrative burden reduction potential is estimated at around € 6.3 billion.

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index for the Euro Area increased 0.5 percent and The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index for the Euro Area increased 0.2 percent in January.

In February, the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) for the EU and the euro continued to decline. It fell by 2.2 points in the EU, a much smaller fall than that recorded in January, and by 1.8 points in the euro area, which in contrast was similar to the decline observed in January. The ESIs now stand at 61.0 and 65.4 respectively – the lowest levels since the current series of the indicator was launched in January 1985.

The Bloomberg Euro-Zone Retail Purchasing Managers' Index, based on a mid-month survey of more than 1,000 executives in the euro area retail sector, fell from 44.0 in January to 42.3 in February. The results signaled an acceleration in the month-on-month rate of decline in sales revenues, in contrast to the easing seen over the previous two months and indicated a renewed weakening of consumer confidence and high street spending. Sales have now fallen for nine consecutive months.

There are 12 million jobs dependent on the automotive industry and it is the EU's largest private R&D investor while in economic terms its turnover is about € 780 billion Euro.

The automotive sector with its 12 million jobs depending on this strategic industry has been hit particularly hard by the current economic crisis with new registrations down by 20% and gloomy expectations for 2009. Due to its close links to other sectors and the wide spread of supply industry and vehicle trade, the negative economic effects reaches out to millions of employees in all Member States.

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