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How many more women than men are there among the total population and among the elderly? Is the share of women at risk of poverty or social exclusion higher than for men? How do employment rates for women and men differ by education level? Do women buy different goods and services over the internet than men? Answers to these questions can be found in this News Release, published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day on 8 March 2012.

GDP decreased by 0.3% in both the euro area (EA17) and the EU27 during the fourth quarter of 2011, compared with the previous quarter, according to second estimates released by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In the third quarter of 2011, growth rates were +0.1% in the euro area and +0.3% in the EU27. Compared with the fourth quarter of 2010, seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 0.7% in the euro area and by 0.9% in the EU27, after +1.3% and +1.4% respectively in the previous quarter.

In January 2012 compared with December 2011, the volume of retail trade grew by 0.3% in the euro area (EA17) and by 0.4% in the EU27. In December retail trade decreased by 0.5% and 0.2% respectively. In January 2012, compared with January 2011, the retail sales index remained stable in the euro area and rose by 0.7% in the EU27.

In January 2012, compared with December 2011, the industrial producer price index rose by 0.7% in both the euro area (EA17) and the EU27. In December 2011 prices fell by 0.2% in both zones. In January 2012 compared with January 2011, industrial producer prices gained 3.7% in the euro area and 4.4% in the EU27.

The euro area (EA17) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 10.7% in January 2012, compared with 10.6% in December 2011. It was 10.0% in January 2011. The EU27 unemployment rate was 10.1% in January 2012, compared with 10.0% in December 2011. It was 9.5% in January 2011.

Euro area annual inflation was 2.6% in January 2012, down from 2.7% in December 2011. A year earlier the rate was 2.3%. Monthly inflation was -0.8% in January 2012. EU annual inflation was 2.9% in January 2012, down from 3.0% in December 2011. A year earlier the rate was 2.7%. Monthly inflation was -0.6% in January 2012.

In December 2011 compared with November 2011, the euro area (EA17) industrial new orders index rose by 1.9%, after a fall of 1.1% in November. In the EU27 new orders increased by 1.3% in December 2011, after a decrease of 1.2% in November. Excluding ships, railway & aerospace equipment4, for which changes tend to be more volatile, industrial new orders gained 2.5% in the euro area and 2.6% in the EU27.

In the construction sector, seasonally adjusted production rose by 0.3% in the euro area (EA17) and fell by 0.4% in the EU27 in December 2011, compared with the previous month. In November, production increased by 0.2% and 0.6% respectively.

GDP fell by 0.3% in both the euro area (EA17) and the EU27 during the fourth quarter of 2011, compared with the previous quarter, according to flash estimates published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In the third quarter of 2011, growth rates were +0.1% and +0.3% respectively.

The first estimate for the euro area (EA17) trade in goods balance with the rest of the world in December 2011 gave a 9.7 bn euro surplus, compared with -1.7 bn in December 2010. The November 2011 balance was +6.3 bn, compared with -2.3 bn in November 2010. In December 2011 compared with November 2011, seasonally adjusted exports rose by 0.1% while imports fell by 0.9%.

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