Fastest growth in hotel nights in Slovakia, Poland and Latvia
Amongst the Member States, the highest numbers of nights spent in hotels in 2008 were recorded in Spain (270 million nights), Italy (247 mn), Germany (219 mn), France (204 mn) and the United Kingdom (173 mn). These five countries accounted for more than 70% of the total number of hotel nights in the EU27.
The number of nights spent in hotels in 2008 grew in 14 and fell in 12 Member States. The highest increases were recorded in Slovakia (+7.7%), Poland (+4.7%) and Latvia (+4.6%), and the largest decreases in Cyprus (-4.8%), Greece (-4.6%) and the Netherlands (-4.1%).
Share of non-residents in total nights ranged from 16% in Romania to 96% in Malta
In 2008, the number of nights spent in hotels in the EU27 was relatively evenly split between non-residents (46%) and residents (54%). Apart from the small Member States, Malta (96%), Luxembourg (95%) and Cyprus (92%), the highest proportion of non-residents was registered in Greece (74%) and Austria (73%). The lowest proportions of non-residents were recorded in Romania (16%), Germany (21%), Sweden (23%), Finland (30%) and Poland (31%).
The highest numbers of hotel nights spent by non-residents were registered in Spain (156 mn, +0.2% compared with 2007), Italy (108 mn, -4.5%), France (72 mn, -1.2%), the United Kingdom (64 mn, -1.8%) and Austria (60 mn, +4.1%), while for residents the highest levels were observed in Germany (174 mn, +1.9%), Italy (139 mn, -1.6%), France (132 mn, +0.4%), Spain (113 mn, -3.0%) and the United Kingdom (109 mn, -1.5%).