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Home News Europe Serious Concern about Burdensome Working Time Directive Decision: ESBA

Serious Concern about Burdensome Working Time Directive Decision: ESBA
added: 2008-12-19

The European Small Business Alliance (ESBA) expresses serious concern about the European Parliament's decision to prevent people from working the hours they choose.

The European Small Business Alliance (ESBA)expresses serious concern about the European Parliament's decision to prevent people from working the hours they choose.

ESBA described the Parliament's decision on the working time directive as a further restriction on how businesses run.

In light of the current economic crisis, ESBA believes it is important for the labour market to retain its flexibility and for small businesses to be able to work as hard as they need to put the economy back on track.

Putting in place prohibitions to the number of hours employers and employees are allowed to work leads us dangerously further away from a swift economic recovery.

Removing the opt-outs from the working time directive constitutes a serious blow to small businesses, which are at the forefront responding to the current crisis. The opt-out is a sensible way of allowing decisions about working patterns to be made nationally, and currently 14 countries use the opt-out allowing employees and employers make the decision which is right for them on working hours and working culture.

Tina Sommer, ESBA President, said: "The European Parliament's decision is serious blow to small businesses and a further burden that small firms just don't need at this difficult time. ESBA calls on the responsible parties to reach an agreement in conciliation which will eliminate the burdens for SMEs caused by the Directive in its current amended form".

Source: EUbusiness

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