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Home News Europe Russia Third Largest Trading Partner of EU27

Russia Third Largest Trading Partner of EU27
added: 2007-05-15

Between 2000 and 2006, EU27 exports of goods to Russia more than tripled in value, from 22.7 billion euro to 72.4 bn, while EU27 imports from Russia more than doubled, from 63.8 bn to 140.6 bn. As a result the EU27 deficit in trade with Russia increased from 41.0 bn in 2000 to 68.2 bn in 2006. This increased deficit was primarily due to an increase in the deficit for energy, only partially offset by an increase in the surplus for machinery and vehicles.

The share of Russia in the EU27's total external trade in goods has nearly doubled between 2000 and 2006. In 2006, Russia accounted for just over 6% of EU27 exports and 10% of EU27 imports, and was the EU27's third most important trading partner, after the USA and China.

On the occasion of the European Union - Russia summit, which will take place on Friday 18 May 2007 in Samara in Russia, Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, issues data on trade in goods and services, as well as investments between Russia and the EU.

Germany, Italy and Finland largest EU exporters to Russia

Almost half of EU27 exports to Russia in 2006 were machinery and vehicles, while energy accounted for two thirds of imports. At the detailed level, the main EU27 exports to Russia were medicine, motor cars, radio & telephone transmission equipment and computers & parts, while the main imports were oil, gas, coal, nickel, aluminium and copper.

Among the EU27 Member States, Germany was by far the largest exporter to Russia in 2006, with 23.1 bn euro, or 32% of the total, followed by Italy (7.6 bn or 11%) and Finland (6.2 bn or 9%). Germany (29.0 bn or 21%) was also the largest importer, followed by the Netherlands2 (17.0 bn or 12%) and Italy (13.6 bn or 10%).

Most Member States recorded trade deficits with Russia in 2006. The largest were observed in the Netherlands (-11.4 bn), Italy (-6.0 bn), Germany and Poland (both -5.9 bn) and Spain (-5.7 bn).

Source: European Commission

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