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Home News Europe Public Transport: Great Britain 2006

Public Transport: Great Britain 2006
added: 2006-09-21

The Department for Transport has today published National Statistics on public transport in Public Transport Statistics Bulletin: Great Britain 2006 Edition.

The key points are as follows:

* Passenger journeys on local buses in England rose by 0.1 per cent in the
last year. Over the same period, passenger journeys on light rail systems
in England increased by 1.9 per cent.

* The Department's PSA on local public transport is as follows:- By 2010,
increase the use of public transport (bus and light rail) by more than 12%
in England compared with 2000 levels, with growth in every region. In the
five years to 2005/06, public transport usage increased by 8.1 per cent.

* In London bus and light rail passenger journeys grew by 1.9 per cent in
the last year, whilst in England outside London they fell by 1.2 per cent.

* In the other regions of England, there were increases in the number of
bus passenger journeys in the Yorkshire and the Humber and East Midlands
regions. Other regions experienced falls in bus patronage, apart from the
South East where there was little change in patronage.

* There was an increase in the percentage of low floor buses up from 46 per
cent in 2004/05 to just under 50 per cent in 2005/06. The target agreed with
the bus industry is that 50 per cent of buses should be low floor by 2010.

* Local bus fares in England increased by five per cent in real terms in
2005/06. In London the rise was seven per cent. Outside London, it was a
real terms rise of four per cent.

* 77 per cent of respondents aged 60 or over said they knew what concessionary
fare schemes were available in their local area. 85 per cent of those
in households without cars were aware of the concessionary fares schemes
available in their area, compared to 75 per cent of those with access to a car.

* Private sector investment in the rail industry in 2005/06 was £3.7 billion,
down from £5.5 billion in 2004/05. This figure does not reflect Government
support for the rail industry, which was £4.59bn in 2005/06, up from £3.79bn
in 2004/05.

* National Rail use increased, with over one billion passenger journeys made
in 2005/06, a rise of 4 per cent on the previous year.

* The number of 'blue badge' disabled parking permits issued rose by 6
per cent in the year to 31 March 2006. There are now 45 permits issued per
thousand people in England.

Source: PR Newswire

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