Appropriate supervision and sharing the tax burden
The report stresses that it is in the interests of the public, the taxpayer and public budgets to ensure that every intervention and use of public funds for rescuing financial organisations is accompanied by appropriate supervision, concrete improvements in the governance and business conduct of the enterprise or institution, precise limits on the amounts paid to executives and clear accountability vis-à-vis the public authorities.
The European Parliament also believes that rescue packages from the wholesale public sector will have repercussions for public finances and personal incomes, making it necessary for the tax burden to be suitably and equitably spread among all taxpayers. This would entail, on the one hand, the imposition of an appropriate level of taxation on all financial players and on the other, provision for a gradual and sharp reduction in the tax burden on mid to low-level salaries and pensions.
Bring wage increases in line with inflation
There needs to be a common approach on wage policies, which provides for wage increases in line with actual inflation and productivity, says the report, "since fiscal and wage policies are powerful and effective levers on demand and for economic stability and growth".