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Home News Europe Online Recruitment Activity Slows at the Beginning of 2010, Reports Monster Employment Index Europe

Online Recruitment Activity Slows at the Beginning of 2010, Reports Monster Employment Index Europe
added: 2010-02-10

Online recruitment activity in Europe slipped by a seasonally-mild seven percent between December 2009 and January 2010 compared to a twenty percent decline during the same period last year. More notably, the long-term trend continues to improve; the annual rate of contraction shrunk in each successive month since September 2009. Opportunities were down 12 percent compared to January 2009. Together, these signs point to subtly improving conditions in 2010.

January 2010 Index Highlights:

• The Monster Employment Index Europe noted a seven point (seven percent) dip in January, mainly attributed to seasonality; year-on-year offerings were down 12 percent

• Hospitality and tourism noted the sharpest monthly decline among industry sectors, followed by education training and library

• Online worker demand held up the best in Germany, whilst the UK reported the most notable improvement in long-term trend

Summary Overview

Online recruitment activity in Europe slipped by a seasonally-mild seven percent between December 2009 and January 2010 compared to a twenty percent decline during the same period last year. More notably, the long-term trend continues to improve; the annual rate of contraction shrunk in each successive month since September 2009. Opportunities were down 12 percent compared to January 2009. Together, these signs point to subtly improving conditions in 2010.

Among industry sectors, marketing, PR and media exhibited notable stability in online demand in January and also increased from an annual perspective. Among occupational groups, clerical support workers and elementary occupations saw the mildest declines in online job demand.

The Monster Employment Index Europe is a monthly analysis of millions of online job opportunities culled from a large, representative selection of corporate career sites and job boards across Europe, including Monster.

“January has traditionally been a slow month for online recruitment activity. That the most recent decline in the Index was mild by seasonal standards does not come as much of a surprise, given that Europe’s largest economies have emerged out of recession and appear to be gearing towards recovery,” commented Andrea Bertone, head of Monster Europe. “But there is still a long way to go before we return to pre-recession levels of hiring activity. Long-term recruitment trends have turned positive in consumer-driven sectors like sales, but have yet to branch out into other areas of the economy.”

Online job demand dips slightly for the majority of sectors at the onset of 2010

As the major countries in Europe began to emerge out of recession at the end of 2009 and early 2010, long-term job demand trends in nearly all sectors continued to dip however not as sharply as previously seen, reflecting an upswing in business and consumer activity.

Hospitality and tourism dipped the most among industry sectors on the month, falling 18 points (11 percent). Compared to year-earlier figures however, the sector saw a modest decline of just four points (three percent).

Education, training and library noted a sharp 19 point (10 percent) fall in January. From an annual perspective however, the sector noted a four points (two percent) uptick.

Marketing, PR and media opportunities remained flat compared to December 2009, leaving the sector at a nine-month high. From a long-term view, the sector returned to positive growth, with demand up 2 percent year-on-year.

Online worker demand in automotive was also unchanged between December and January as the industry continued to be supported by publicly funded stimulus packages. Offerings were down only one percent over the past three months.

Sectors fuelled by consumer spending noted a positive shift to year-on-year gains during January as consumer confidence in the continent began to edge up. Sales registered a one percent annual gain, whilst arts, entertainment, sports and leisure grew eight percent over the past 12 months.

All occupational groups note fewer online job offerings; Demand for clerical support workers and elementary workers holds up the best

Plant and machine operators, and assemblers noted the steepest decline in January with a six point (nine percent) slump in online job demand in January.

Managers dipped seven points (seven percent) in January, in contrast to the dramatic plunge seasonally-expected at this time of the year. The group’s annual growth trend has improved steadily over the past six months, and was down by only eight percent compared to January 2009.

Online worker demand held up the best for clerical support workers and elementary occupations; both groups reported a modest seven point (six percent) decline on the month.

From an annual perspective, skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers saw the most solid rise of all occupational groups; online job demand increased 26 points (28 percent). Service and sales workers followed closely behind; opportunities jumped 34 points (27 percent) compared to January 2009.

Source: Monster Worldwide

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