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Home News World No to Africa-EU Strategy Based on Unfair Trade Deals

No to Africa-EU Strategy Based on Unfair Trade Deals
added: 2007-12-05

The fact that the new EU-Africa Strategy is built on trade agreements which are opposed by civil society in both continents as well as by many African governments, is evidence that the new strategy is not taking into account the African experience, nor is based on mutual accountability.

Campaigners call on the leaders to build Africa/ Europe relations based on pro-development trade justice rather than unfair free trade. They also ask them to include civil society inputs, which foster greater ownership of the strategy by the people it directly affects.

"Fair and equitable trade must be a fundamental component of relations between Europe and Africa if poverty is ever to be addressed. Yet, the new EU-Africa Strategy suggests that trade relations should be built on free trade and Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)," said Thomas Deve of GCAP Africa, Zimbabwe. "EPAs are being negotiated outside the framework of the Africa-EU Strategy, under a timeframe imposed by the European Union (EU) that will leave poor countries in Africa worse off."

Civil society groups in Africa and Europe have, for months, loudly criticised the devastating effects these trade deals will have by taking away people’s rights, undermining and decimating the livelihood of African small-scale farmers and producers, as well as disrupting trade and regional integration processes in Africa.

"Trade agreements should not limit the development policy choices for any country," said Christophe Zoungrana, GCAP Africa Coordinator. "There is little partnership, consultation and strategising grounded in African priorities or fundamental trust in the trade negotiation. We do not believe these trade agreements are fair and we should not build a new partnership between Africa and Europe on such an unfair basis."

GCAP calls on the EU to lift the deadline imposed on the EPAs negotiations (December 31st) and to allow more time to explore pro-development alternative deals. Secondly, GCAP calls on the EU not to penalize countries using import tariffs if they fail to sign the EPAs. Finally, the alliance wants to see an end to the use of development aid as a bargaining tool for trade and investment agreements.

"We are concerned that by signing the new EU-Africa Strategy countries will be stuck with flawed Economic Partnership Agreements. What is being signed off in Lisbon is not the equal partnership people in Africa and Europe want. We call on European governments to fulfil their promises on trade, debt as well as more and better aid. Governments in both Europe and Africa must be accountable to their peoples and taking on board civil society’s concerns if they really want to build a people to people partnership," said Glen Tarman, GCAP Europe representative.

Civil society movements involved in the consultation process leading to the new EU-Africa Strategy complain that this has not been inclusive, that the objectives of the new strategy are too vague and that adequate
resources have not been allocated for implementation. GCAP vows to work for the creation a new partnership between the peoples of Africa and Europe based on trust and mutual accountability.

Source: EUbusiness

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