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Home News Europe Manpower Employment Outlook Survey Shows Slower Hiring Ahead

Manpower Employment Outlook Survey Shows Slower Hiring Ahead
added: 2008-09-09

U.S. employers are projecting a continued decline in hiring intentions for Quarter 4 2008, according to the seasonally adjusted results of the latest Manpower Employment Outlook Survey conducted quarterly by Manpower Inc.

"The continuing softness in hiring activity comes as no surprise as weakening market conditions are causing many companies to carefully adjust their hiring in line with the demand for their product or service," said Jeffrey A. Joerres, Chairman and CEO of Manpower.

Of the 14,000 employers surveyed in the U.S., 22% expect to increase their staff levels during the October - December period, while 13% expect to reduce their payrolls, resulting in a Net Employment Outlook of 9%. Fifty-nine percent expect no change in hiring and 6% are undecided about their Quarter 4 2008 hiring plans.

Seasonally adjusted survey data shows that six of the 10 industry sectors surveyed will decrease hiring slightly during the upcoming quarter compared to Quarter 3 2008 continuing a downward trend.

Durable and Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing, Transportation/Public Utilities, Wholesale/Retail Trade, Finance/Insurance/Real Estate and Services employers all expect decreased hiring activity during the upcoming quarter. Employers in the Construction, Education and Public Administration sectors indicate stable hiring conditions, while Mining remains the only sector looking to increase staff levels for the upcoming quarter.

"Despite the current business environment and the uncertainty that often comes with pending elections, the near-term employment outlook appears to have stabilized in some industry sectors and continues to grow in Mining, creating potential opportunity for job seekers," said Jonas Prising, President of Manpower North America.

Employers in the Northeast and Midwest anticipate weakening hiring conditions, while the South is moderately less optimistic compared to Quarter 3 2008. Employers in the West are slightly more optimistic about hiring plans in the upcoming quarter.

The global survey data reveals that employers in India, Costa Rica, Peru, Singapore, Taiwan, Colombia, Romania, Poland, Argentina, Australia and South Africa report the most favorable fourth-quarter hiring plans. Conversely, employers in Spain, Ireland and Italy are reporting the weakest and only negative hiring expectations for the quarter ahead.

It would appear that the growing pessimism seen in the U.S. market over the past two quarters has moved eastward into Asia Pacific as employers in the region have become notably more conservative in their hiring plans. While outlooks remain positive, employers across all of the eight countries and territories surveyed expect to pull back on hiring from the third quarter. On the other hand, compared to one year ago, the pace of hiring is expected to improve in India and Taiwan, and remain relatively stable in China.

Hiring expectations in the Americas region is expected to be strongest in Peru, Costa Rica and Colombia, which joins the Manpower survey for the first time this quarter, expanding labor markets covered by the survey to 33 countries and territories.

Across the 17 countries surveyed in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, employers in Romania, Poland, South Africa, Greece, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are most optimistic about hiring in the next three months while Spanish, Italian and Irish employers are the least optimistic. Hiring in the region is generally expected to be softer with employers in 12 of 17 countries expecting to hire at a slower pace compared to three months ago.

Source: PR Newswire

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