Only in Great Britain is there a plurality of adults who think that life would be better if they left the EU. A majority in Spain and pluralities in France, Italy and Germany think that life would be worse.
This FT/Harris Poll was conducted online by Harris Interactive among a total of 6,772 adults (aged 16 and over) within France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain and the United States, and adults (aged 18 and over) in Italy, between 28th February and 12th March 2007.
Attitudes to the EU are lukewarm at best and often negative. And yet, majorities or pluralities want to see the EU doing more, rather than less, on a broad range of activities and issues.
Humphrey Taylor, chairman of the Harris Poll at Harris Interactive states, "This suggests that majorities in the five countries support a strong European entity while often disliking what it does and how it operates."
Some other highlights from the poll:
- Majorities or pluralities in all five EU countries think Turkey will eventually form part of the EU. Not surprisingly, a majority in the US are not sure.
- It is striking that majorities in most of the five EU countries and pluralities would like to see EU be more, rather than less active. Areas where largest proportions from five EU countries would like to see EU doing more are the environment, energy, and crime and security.
- There is a division between majority of adults in Great Britain and the plurality in Germany who are opposed to an EU army, and the majority in France and Italy, and a plurality in Spain who would support this.
- Majorities or pluralities in 4 of the 5 EU countries and in the U.S. favor harmonization of financial and trade regulations with the U.S. However in Germany, there is a slender plurality that is opposed. The biggest surprise may be the 2-1 majority in France that favors this.
- Few people, except perhaps the 31% in Italy, think that EU regulations have had a positive impact on business in their countries. In all five EU countries except for France, pluralities believe they have had a negative impact.
- There is no consensus on the likely impact of a new EU constitution. A majority in Italy and a substantial plurality in Spain think it would have a positive impact. A large plurality in Great Britain thinks it would have a negative impact.
- Only in Italy does a plurality not think that the US is the greatest threat to global stability.