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Home News Europe GDP per Inhabitant Varied from One to More than Seven across the EU27 Member States

GDP per Inhabitant Varied from One to More than Seven across the EU27 Member States
added: 2007-06-28

Based on first preliminary estimates for 2006, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per inhabitant expressed in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS), varied from 37% to 280% of the average across the EU27 Member States.

GDP per inhabitant in Luxembourg was more than two-and-a-half times the EU27 average in 2006. Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria and Denmark were between 25% and 45% above this average, while Belgium, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Finland, Germany and France were between 10% and 25% above. Italy and Spain were slightly above the EU27 average.

Cyprus, Greece and Slovenia were between 5% and 15% below average, while the Czech Republic, Malta and Portugal were between 20% and 25% below. Estonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland were between 30% and 50% below the EU27 average, while the two new Member States, Romania and Bulgaria, were more than 60% below the average.

Source: European Commission

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