Finland has made an effort to decouple environmental pressures from economic growth as it moved from an inward-looking agricultural society to an open, competitive and technology-oriented economy. Its highly educated work force and track record in innovation put Finland in a strong position to weather the global economic crisis and respond to environmental challenges.
The report highlights Finland’s environmental achievements:
* good urban air quality,
* Finnish lakes recovering well from acidification,
* abatement of noise pollution,
* low municipal waste generation by OECD standards,
* high share of renewable energy (biomass),
* an innovative programme to protect biodiversity in its forests (METSO), and
* proactive engagement in multilateral environmental co-operation.
And notes the challenges that remain:
* greenhouse gas emissions currently above Finland’s Kyoto Protocol commitments,
* energy use and CO2 emissions per unit of output higher than most OECD countries,
* overall biodiversity declining
* hazardous waste generation increasing, and
* eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.