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Home News Europe Europe's digital revolution speeds up

Europe's digital revolution speeds up
added: 2007-04-30

Nearly 20% of European households buy bundled telecom packages, according to an EU-wide survey of 27,000 representative households. Almost 30% are now connected to the internet via high-speed 'broadband' links and households increasingly use mobile phones as fixed lines become less popular. 17% of Europeans having a home Internet connection use it for Internet telephony.

"Europe's digital economy is growing strongly as more and more households embrace convergence between fixed, mobile and Internet services," said Information Society and Media Commissioner Viviane Reding. "The challenge of this year's reform of the EU's telecom rules will be to respond to this rapidly changing technological environment while enhancing at the same time effective competition."

The key findings of the EU-wide survey published by the Commission today are the following:

* Nearly 20% of Europeans buy two or more telecom products from a single service provider, the combination of fixed telephony and Internet access being the most common.

* Increasingly, users are switching from fixed to mobile telephony: although the percentage of households with at least one mobile phone remains fairly stable at 81%, the share of ‘mobile-only’ households is rising in the EU (22%, up 4%) while the proportion of households with at least one fixed line decreases (72%, down 5%).

* Broadband is rapidly becoming more popular in the EU (28%, up 6%) while narrowband is less so (12%, down 3%). Most households access the Internet via an ADSL line (53%, up 4%) and 34% of broadband connections are wireless.

* 17% of Europeans who have a home Internet connection say that it is used for making phone calls. This proportion is twice as large in new Member States.

* As more households connect to the Internet (42%, up 4%), the reason for not connecting is increasingly non-financial with 45% saying that it is simply because they are not interested.

* 28% of Europeans have suffered significantly from problems with spam, viruses and spyware, underlining the need for the EU and Member States to be more proactive in fighting illegal activities (see IP/06/1629). Overall, most have installed antivirus software (81%) and antispam software (60%).

* 40% (up 5%) know that the single European emergency number 112 enables them to reach emergency services everywhere in the EU, but many Member States need to improve the practical implementation of 112 (see IP/07/392).

* 63% of Europeans are free-to-air TV, and not pay-TV subscribers.
Fewer households subscribe to pay-TV in countries where they receive television through an aerial or a satellite, than in predominately cable TV countries.

Source: European Commission

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