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Home News Europe Europe's Single Market is World's Leading Investment Location

Europe's Single Market is World's Leading Investment Location
added: 2008-10-06

In 2007, the total GDP in the 27 states of the European Union grew to nearly USD 17 trillion. It is now the world's largest economy and its largest single economic area. The European Attractiveness Scoreboard (EAS) features data showing how Europe positions itself as an investment location in comparison to other major locations such as the United States, Japan, China, and India.

The study, endorsed by two leading European business schools, is a combined effort of the investment promotion agencies Invest in Germany and Invest in France and is being published for the second consecutive year.

The EAS draws on an exhaustive set of more than 60 objective economic and industry-specific indicators based on internationally recognized statistics. Important factors reviewed include: Market vitality, human resources, research and innovation, and sustainable development. The scoreboard was designed in collaboration with two leading European business schools, ESCP-EAP, Berlin and HEC School of Management, Paris. Prof. Herwig Haase (ESCP-EAP) and Prof. Michael Segalla (HEC) advised the project.

This data has its origin partly in Europe's excellence as a high-tech location. The EU has far more inward FDI stocks than any other market. Furthermore Europe is taking the necessary steps to ensure that its success will continue into the future: It presently hosts more foreign university students than the United States or any other measured market, proving that Europe is an open location developing the talent needed for future success.

This year's EAS goes beyond the realm examined in the 2007 EAS by taking a specific look at the various industries driving Europe's economy and examining the factors that make them excel. For example, the European Union is by far the world's largest market in the chemicals industry, both in sales and in exports. The European Union is also making enormous strides in renewable energies -- working to combat both climate change and dependence on fossil fuels. The EU has far more installed capacity in renewable energies and inward FDI projects in renewable energies than any other measured region.

The heads of both agencies will meet with academics and students in an open discussion about the benefits of doing business in the EU, using the scoreboard to showcase Europe's strengths in a variety of industries. The "road show" will meet in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle on October 6, 8, and 10 respectively.

"Europe already excels in a number of industries that are essential to future economic growth, such as renewable energies and information and communications technologies (ICT). The number of foreign students currently studying in Europe inspires confidence that Europe will have the necessary workforce to meet the innovative needs of the future," noted Michael Pfeiffer, Managing Director of Invest in Germany.

Philippe Favre, Chairman and CEO of Invest in France Agency added, "The EAS shows the tremendous attractiveness of Europe as a single market, its capacity in innovation, and its productivity that is often underestimated when we look at the figures country by country. It's the European market size and dynamism that explains the success of Europe as the world's leading investment location for FDI."

Invest in Germany is the inward investment promotion agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. It provides investors with comprehensive support from site selection to the implementation of investment decisions. Foreign enterprises planning to establish their business operations in Germany can obtain information on the business environment, such as the corporate investment framework, tax regulations, and subsidies. For more information, go to

Invest in France Agency (IFA) promotes and facilitates international investment in France. The IFA network operates worldwide. IFA works in partnership with regional development agencies to offer international investors business opportunities and customized services all over France.

Source: PR Newswire

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