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Home News Europe Euro Area Securities Issues Statistics: September 2008

Euro Area Securities Issues Statistics: September 2008
added: 2008-11-18

The annual growth rate of the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by euro area residents decreased from 7.8% in August 2008 to 7.1% in September. For the outstanding amount of quoted shares issued by euro area residents, the annual growth rate was 0.8% in September 2008, the same as in August.

New issuance of debt securities by euro area residents totalled EUR 1,000 billion in September 2008. As redemptions came to EUR 1,040 billion, net redemptions amounted to EUR 41 billion. The annual growth rate of outstanding debt securities issued by euro area residents decreased from 7.8% in August 2008 to 7.1% in September.

As regards the sectoral breakdown, the annual growth rate of outstanding debt securities issued by monetary financial institutions (MFIs) decreased from 8.3% in August 2008 to 6.9% in September. For the financial corporations other than MFIs sector, this growth rate decreased from 23.2% in August 2008 to 23.0% in September. The annual growth rate of outstanding debt securities issued by non-financial corporations increased from 8.7% in August 2008 to 9.5% in
September. For the general government, this growth rate decreased from 3.0% in August 2008 to 2.6% in September.

As regards the maturity breakdown, the annual growth rate of outstanding short-term debt securities decreased from 22.2% in August 2008 to 18.2% in September. The annual growth rate of outstanding short-term debt securities issued by MFIs decreased from 26.9% to 17.3% during the same period. For long-term debt securities, the annual growth rate decreased from 6.2% in August 2008 to 5.8% in September. The annual growth rate of outstanding long-term debt
securities issued by MFIs decreased from 5.3% to 5.1% during the same period. The annual growth rate of outstanding fixed rate long-term debt securities decreased from 3.4% in August 2008 to 3.1% in
September. The annual growth rate of outstanding variable rate long-term debt securities decreased from 13.7% in August 2008 to 12.4% in September.

Concerning the currency breakdown, the annual growth rate of outstanding euro-denominated debt securities decreased from 8.3% in August 2008 to 7.4% in September. For debt securities in other
currencies, this growth rate increased from 4.4% in August 2008 to 4.6% in September. The seasonally adjusted three-month annualised growth rate of outstanding debt securities issued by euro area residents decreased from 11.7% in August 2008 to 8.2% in September.

New issuance of quoted shares by euro area residents totalled EUR 7.8 billion in September 2008. As redemptions came to EUR 2.8 billion, net issues amounted to EUR 5.0 billion. The annual growth rate of the outstanding amount of quoted shares issued by euro area residents (excluding valuation changes) was 0.8% in September 2008, the same as in August. The annual growth rate of quoted shares issued by non-financial corporations was 0.2% in September 2008, the same as in August. For monetary financial institutions, it increased from 2.8% in August 2008 to 3.7% in September. For financial corporations other than MFIs, this growth rate was 2.6% in September 2008, the same as in August.

The outstanding amount of quoted shares issued by euro area residents totalled EUR 4,424 billion at the end of September 2008. Compared with EUR 6,682 billion at the end of September 2007, this
represents an annual decrease of 33.8% in the value of the stock of quoted shares in September 2008, compared with an annual decrease of 23.9% in August, mainly due to market valuation changes.

Source: ECB

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