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Home News Europe Euro Area MFI Interest Rate Statistics in October 2007

Euro Area MFI Interest Rate Statistics in October 2007
added: 2007-12-10

In October 2007 the majority of euro area average MFI interest rates on new deposits were higher than in the previous month, while no overall pattern was observed for average MFI interest rates on new loans.

MFI interest rates on new business: in October 2007 the weighted average rate on deposits from households with an agreed maturity of up to one year increased by 4 basis points to 4.11%, while the corresponding deposit rate for non-financial corporations decreased by 7 basis points to 4.07%. In addition, the weighted average rate on deposits from households redeemable at up to three months’notice decreased by 4 basis points to 2.54%.

The rate on housing loans to households at a floating rate or up to one-year initial rate fixation increased by 5 basis points to 5.28%, while the weighted average rate on loans to households for consumption purposes with an initial rate fixation of over one and up to five years remained basically unchanged at 6.86% in October 2007. The weighted average rate on loans for house purchase with an initial rate fixation of more than five years and up to ten years remained basically unchanged at 5.07%.

In the case of loans to non-financial corporations at a floating rate or up to one-year initial rate fixation, in October the weighted average rate remained basically unchanged at 5.95% for loans up to EUR 1 million and decreased by 9 basis points to 5.11% for loans above EUR 1 million. The weighted average rate on loans to non-financial corporations over EUR 1 million with an initial rate fixation of more than five years decreased by 10 basis points to 5.31%.

MFI interest rates on outstanding amounts: in October 2007 the weighted average interest rate on outstanding amounts of deposits from households with an agreed maturity of up to two years increased by 10 basis points to 3.78%, while the corresponding rate on deposits with an agreed maturity of over two years remained basically unchanged at 3.09%. The weighted average interest rate on
outstanding amounts of deposits from non-financial corporations with an agreed maturity of up to two years increased by 4 basis points to 4.17% in the same month.

In October the weighted average interest rate on outstanding amounts of loans to households for house purchase with over five years’ maturity increased by 4 basis points to 4.98% and the weighted average interest rate on outstanding amounts of loans to non-financial corporations with over five years’maturity increased by 7 basis points to 5.21%.

Source: ECB

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