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Home News Europe EU27 Surplus in Trade in Services Increased to Nearly 70 bn euro in 2006

EU27 Surplus in Trade in Services Increased to Nearly 70 bn euro in 2006
added: 2007-11-29

In 2006, EU27 external trade in services recorded a surplus of 68.5 billion euro, an increase compared with 52.9 bn in 2005 and 46.4 bn in 2004.

The increased surplus in 2006 was mainly due to an improved balance in insurance services, where the deficit of 2.2 bn recorded in 2005 turned into a surplus of 7.0 bn in 2006, to increased surpluses in financial services (+24.5 bn in 2006 compared with +20.8 bn in 2005) and computer and information services (+11.3 bn compared with +8.6 bn) and to a reduced deficit in travel (-14.0 bn compared with -18.4 bn), partially offset by the decreased surplus in transportation services (+13.6 bn compared with +16.8 bn).

The significant surplus in "other business services", which comprise merchanting and other trade-related services, operational leasing services and miscellaneous business, professional and technical services, remained nearly stable (+31.2 bn compared with 31.3 bn), as did the surplus in construction (+5.5 bn compared with +5.1 bn), and the deficit in royalties and license fees (-9.2 bn compared with -8.4 bn).

In 2006, EU27 trade in services recorded an increased surplus with EFTA (+21.1 bn in 2006 compared with +16.4 bn in 2005), the USA (+12.6 bn compared with +4.9 bn), Canada (+2.0 bn compared with +1.3 bn) and India (+1.4 bn compared with +0.6 bn). The surpluses with Russia (+3.4 bn compared with +3.2 bn) and Brazil (+0.5 bn compared with +0.6 bn) remained nearly stable. On the other hand, the surpluses with Japan (+6.0 bn compared with +7.3 bn), China (+1.4 bn compared with +2.7 bn) and Hong Kong (+0.2 bn compared with +2.6 bn) decreased.

Source: European Commission

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