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Home News Europe EU will Withdraw GSP Trade Preferences from Belarus over Workers' rights Violations

EU will Withdraw GSP Trade Preferences from Belarus over Workers' rights Violations
added: 2007-06-19

In December 2006 the EU warned that it would have to withdraw Belarus' trade preferences under the EU's Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) if Belarus did not comply with its International Labour Organisation (ILO) obligations relating to freedom of association for workers. On 15 June 2007, the ILO adopted its assessment that Belarus has not acted to ensure the protection of certain key labour rights related to freedom of association in Belarus. Belarus' GSP trade preferences will be therefore be withdrawn from 21 June 2007.

The European Commission expects Belarus to comply with its obligations as an International Labour Organisation member and respect the basic rights of trade unions. Trade unions must be able to function freely and without interference, as set out in ILO agreements to which Belarus is a signatory.

The Commission regrets that despite repeated calls Belarus has not taken any concrete measures to respect trade union rights. As soon as Belarus complies with its ILO obligations, the Commission will propose that its GSP preferences are reinstated.

The situation is now in the hands of the Belarusian authorities. The Commission urges the Belarusian authorities to act now to ensure the full respect of Belarusian workers rights. The European Commission has always insisted that respect for workers rights should be an integral part of the EU's trade policy objectives. What impact will the withdrawal of GSP have?

The removal of these tariff preferences will not halt Belarus’ exports to the EU. It will reinstate the standard tariffs applied to goods imported in the EU - which represents a difference of 3% as compared to GSP tariffs. The withdrawal will affect around 10% of Belarus exports.

Source: European Commission

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