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Home News Europe EU Consumer Policy Strategy - MEPs Call for Standard Contracts and Conditions for Contracts

EU Consumer Policy Strategy - MEPs Call for Standard Contracts and Conditions for Contracts
added: 2008-05-20

Parliament adopted a report on EU consumer policy strategy (2007-2013) which says that since the greatest obstacles to the development of an internal market in retailing include uncertainties regarding consumer contracts, the report supports the Commission in its efforts to introduce standard contracts and conditions for contracts concluded on-line which would have the same force in all the Member States. The report was adopted with 438 votes in favour, 84 against and 166 abstentions.

Group actions

MEPs note that in some, but not all, Member States elements of a specific consumer redress system already exist, such as joint actions, group actions, representative actions, test cases and skimming-off procedures; points to the fact that, as a result, consumers may face different legal provisions in cross-border cases in this respect.

The report considers that the needs of consumer protection can be satisfied by legislation only if it is better, simpler and prepared with the involvement of all the competent Commission Directorates-General.

Funding for consumer organisations

The report emphasises the important role played by consumer organisations in improving consumer culture. The House considers strong, independent consumer organisations to be the basis of an effective consumer policy and hence calls on the Commission and the Member States to provide adequate funding for such organisations.

27 national mini-markets

The report calls for measures to ensure that the 27 national mini-markets within the EU will actually be transformed into the largest retail market in the world. The European Parliament takes the view that this requires that citizens feel equally safe shopping via the internet or at the local corner shop, and that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can rely on the same simple rules throughout the internal market. MEPs call on the Commission to consider ways of improving protection for SMEs, in particular by means of the Small Business Act.

European Consumer Ombudsman?

The House calls on the Commission to explore the merits of establishing a special European Consumer Ombudsman in the European Ombudsman's office. The report notes that a number of Member States have consumer ombudsmen in several sectors, helping consumers to deal with economic operators; believes this approach could be examined by the Commission on a country-by-country basis.

Source: European Parliament

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