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Home News Europe An EU27 Surplus in Trade in Goods with Ukraine of 10 bn euro in 2007

An EU27 Surplus in Trade in Goods with Ukraine of 10 bn euro in 2007
added: 2008-09-05

Between 2000 and 2007, EU27 trade in goods with Ukraine more than tripled in value: exports rose from 5.5 billion euro to 22.4 bn, while imports increased from 4.8 bn to 12.4 bn.

As a result, the EU27 surplus in trade with Ukraine increased from 0.6 bn in 2000 to 10.0 bn in 2007. The share of Ukraine in the EU27's total external trade in goods has more than doubled between 2000 and 2007. In 2007, Ukraine accounted for 2% of EU27 exports and 1% of EU27 imports, and was the EU27's 16th most important trading partner.

On the occasion of the European Union - Ukraine summit, which will take place on 9 September in Evian In France, Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, issues data on trade in goods between Ukraine and the EU.

Trade dominated by manufactured goods

Nearly half of EU27 exports to Ukraine in 2007 were machinery and vehicles and a further quarter were other manufactured articles, while other manufactured articles accounted for two fifths of imports and crude materials a further fifth. At the detailed level, the main EU27 exports to Ukraine were medicine, motor vehicles and mobile phones, while the main imports were iron and steel products, sunflower seed oil, ferro-nickel, iron ores and oil.

Germany, Poland and Italy largest trading partners of Ukraine amongst Member States

Among the EU27 Member States, Germany (5.9 bn euro, 26% of EU exports) was the largest exporter to Ukraine in 2007, followed by Poland (4.1 bn or 18%). Italy (2.4 bn or 19%) was the largest importer, followed by Bulgaria (1.6 bn or 13%) and Germany (1.3 bn or 11%).

The largest surpluses in trade with Ukraine in 2007 were observed in Germany (+4.6 bn) and Poland (+2.8 bn), and the highest deficit in Bulgaria (-1.4 bn).

Source: European Commission

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